The Knoxville Journal from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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Knoxville, Tennessee

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Journal Want Ads 2-4141 PAGE SIXTEEN increased Buying Boosts 'Share Market Into Sharp Bally TT- Ji Continued From First Sports Page Help Wanted Men 6 TWO young men to travel with manager Transportation paid Experience not necessary Apply LeConte Hotel Room 19 at 7 NATION WIDE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Accountant Expr $lo000 306 General Bldg Aircrafts Motors And Steels Lead A-P Average In Steepest Climb Since Nov 30 Wheat Cotton Off NEW YORK Dec 13 WV-' The buying appetite sharpened perceptibly in stock market and leading aircrafts motors steels rubbers rails and specialties cooked up a further rally of fractions to more than two points With hopes buoyed by continued cheerful business prospects and apparently less troublesome foreign affairs favored issues climbed over additional year-end tax selling and profit taking and posted a number of new highs for the year particularly In aviations which were strong throughout The market put on a substantial rising performance in the first hour then backed away on with 43 instead of 40 and may retain 25 throughout the season instead of 23 I Whether you like chain-store baseball or not it has got to the point where the average bush league outfit is compelled to rely almost 'entirely on hand-outs from connections in higher company A few affluent outfits like Atlanta can afford to bid in open market but clubs such as our Knoxville Smokies necessarily have to take scraps that fall from richer tables The only salvation for the poor minor league club is a tie-up with a big-tent organization that will do the right thing by its cousin And it cannot be truthfully reported that relations with Pittsburgh last year benefited the homelings to any perceptible extent We seemed to get what Montreal and several other dependents want STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the Associated Press Dee 13 Sports In Short Pants Letters putting the blast on the All-State high school team that ignored Elizabethton are clogging the mails East Tennesseans in general and Elizabeth-tonians in particular are having a field day at the expense of the heavy-brained boys who were guilty of that monstrosity When a poll turns up a club as palpably unfair as that one the sensible course is to consign it to the waste basket and do without an all-star eleven until the following season Good news: Miami hotels according to hotel men here are not hiking their prices to take advantage of the Orange Bowl celebration Some have announced reductions in the regular rates Business men down there it seems realize they have a golden opportunity to enhance the prestige of their bowl attraction thanks partly to the blunders of some of the other promoters Continued from page 1 Says Snyder Edith who said she fired at her father after he shot Alderman DESCRIBES SCENE Miss Snyder described the scene in home the night of October 15 saying her father told her Alderman and Miss Etting is going to be the end of all of She saiJ Alderman was shot in the stomach as he started to plead with her father ran out of the said Miss Snyder "I heard another shot and my father and Miss Etting struggling in a bedroom I went in there pulled him away from Ruth and begged him to not shoot any more already killed Myrl why do you want to kill Ruthie? all 1 I told father He kept saying he was going to get Ruth and that he knew what he was doing Ruth broke loose and father pushed me back and into a chair I followed him found a pistol in the hallway and with father still screaming going to kill you' I shot at The bullet was wild Miss Snyder followed Miss Etting on the stand The former radio headliner admitted on cross-examination by Jerry Gies-ler she accepted a diamond and platinum bracelet from Snyder when he arrived here last July from New York Six months before she claims Snyder telephoned her he was out there and kill ASKS ABOUT LIQUOR Giesler questioned Miss Etting about the time she spent at the Hollywood home of Alderman and asked her if she ordered liquor sent there signing the name Mrs Alderman think Mr Alderman ordered she answered you sign for it pursued Giesler do not remember whether I did or When Prosecutor Blalock took up re-direct examination of Miss Etting she said that in the three yearj before she retired as a singer Snyder precipitated many difficulties that made it hard for her to get work She said she had to go to England to work and even there Snyder made trouble for her Giesler came back to ask the question it true most of the fights Snyder got into with radio managers and producers were over his insistence you get top billing and full publicity benefits at all he inquired got top billing because of my Miss Etting replied Continued from page 1 Mayor Praises 7:30 Friday Dec 16 urge all Knoxvillians to be in the true spirit of Christmas on that date and sincerely suggest and desire that all who can do so attend the Christmas Festival and attend it with open hearts Mynatt Mayor of County Judge Houston also endorsed the a m-paign for the needy with emphasis upon the Christmas Festival Friday night ARE TO BE COMMENDED Continued from first Sports Page Lookouts Epps recalled from Jackson Miss Outfielder Albert Bruno bought from Greenville Miss Third Baseman Jack Peerson returned from St Louis in exchange for Jesse Landrum who was sent to Shreveport by the Chicago White Sox LOOKOUTS BUSY Chattanooga: Infielder Ernie Horne and Pitcher Hank Bazner sold to Richmond Outfielder John Gill sold to Nashville Utility Player Dick West sold to Cincinnati Pitcher Bill Phebus sold to Hollywood Pitcher Pat Malone sold to Oakland Outfielder Dee Miles sold to Philadelphia Second Baseman Jimmy Blood-worth sold to Charlotte Infielder Ray Honeycutt sold to Jersey City purchased First Baseman Alex Hooks from Montreal obtained on option from Baltimore Infielders Edwin Vandergriff and Edwin Taylor bought Third Baseman Alfred Benjamin from Thomas-ville Ga purchased Outfielder Ab Wright from Montreal bought Outfielder Bill Nicholson from Williamsport Pa obtained Catcher Henry Camilli on option from Minneapolis and purchased Pitchers Stewart Bolen from Hollywood and Harry Smythe from Montreal Knoxville: Sold Third Base-man Tom Hafey to New York Giants for cash and Second Baseman Harold King from Jersey City acquired Catcher Sandy McDougal from Birmingham to replace Dallas Warren sold to Pittsburgh purchased Pitcher Elmer Rembert First Baseman Warran Baker and Shortstop Harold Reitz from Savannah Ga and Pitcher Mallory from Hutchinson Kas Nashville: Infielders Bert Haas and Pete Coscarart recalled by Brooklyn Brooklyn bought Outfielder Willie Duke for transfer to New Orleans in the George deal Outfielder Hal Lee sold to Dallas purchased Pitcher Pierce Corley from Gainesville Fla and Outfielder John Gill from Chattanooga SUCCEEDS PROTHRO Little Rock: George Torporcer former St Louis Card infielder named to succeed Doc Prothro now skipper of the Philadelphia Phillies as manager sold First Baseman Paul Campbell and Pitcher Woodrow Rich to Boston Red Sox sold Pitcher Jennings Poindexter to Phillies traded Outfielder Graham to Baltimore for Pitcher Hank Harris and Outfielder Early Bolyard signed Clyde Crouse catcher as free agent from Baltimore received Henry Schlue-ter infielder on option from Baltimore purchased Infielder Joe Benning from Montreal Pitcher Waymon Kerksieck was drafted by Boston Red Sox Outfielder Lindsey Deal was recalled by Red Sox and sold to Montreal Birmingham: Purchased In fielders Jim Adair Syracuse and Leo Louisville Del Wetherell pitcher and John Pruitt catcher bought from Montreal and Hutchinson Kas respectively sold Catcher Sandy McDougal to Knoxville Outfielders Legrant Scott and Murry Howell were drafted by Boston and Baltimore respectively Boston also drafted Infielder Heinie Majeski through Minneapolis club will recall Outfielder Art Luce Pitchers Ralph Braun John Hutchins and Roy Decker and First Baseman Gerald Hannahoe all from Southeastern League clubs Cherokee Boivling Pair Of Ruffians angle In Main Bout riday Night i In what probably will prove the roughest shindig ever held in Knoxville Billy Bartush and John Grandowich will headline the American Legion program Friday night at the Lyric Bartush long has been recognized as the most villainish grap-pler showing here regularly but in recent weeks his status has been challenged by Grandowich a mammoth Jugoslavian 1 Continued from page 1 Eden FDR by power politics of totalitarian states BOTH ARE SILENT Eden who received a public ovation wherever he appeared said he enjoyed the visi': but left it to the President to explain further Mr Roosevelt simply said that he and Eden talked of many things and agreed they had a very pleasant conversation Both before and after his conference Eden had emphasized that his visit had no official meaning whatever while the President also had explained he was receiving Eden at the request and in his capacity as a visiting member of the British Parliament Eden appeared anxious to dispel any belief that he brought to Washington a prpject or appeal from his government to this government or the American people Many problems in which the United States and Great Britain have mutual concern might conceivably have been reviewed between the President and the possible future prime minister of Britain After a luncheon tomorrow at the country home of Sumner Welles under-secretary of state at nearby Oxon Hill Md Eden and his party will leave Thursday morning for a tour of Annapolis and Baltimore before entraining for New York Impoundment For Taxes Is Contemplated Bill Is Proposed For City And County City and counties would be authorized to impound revenues from tax-delinquent property under a bill to be introduced in the next legislature Finance Director A Frierson said last night It would not mean the city would take over and operate businesses Frierson said city will not even go into the real estate he said For one thing the city does not provide any funds for this purpose and secondly a tax sale title is not considered first-class where a piece of property has been paying rentals and the landlord has been putting the money in his pocket and not pay-' ing taxes this bill would authorize the city or county to impound the revenue until the tax lien was Frierson said would not apply to he added Frierson said the measure had been approved informally by the Tennessee association Trojans Down Clinton High Quint 38-15 Clark Leads Local Attack CLINTON Dec After the varsity Knoxville High school Trojans had run up a 13-1 lead in the first quarter here tonight second-stringers went into the game and played mdst of the rest of the route as the visitors defeated Clinton High 38 to 15 Clark led the Trojan attack with 15 points Smith trailed with 7 Manning a substitute paced the losers with 5 Trajan (38) Fa i Clinton (15) Clark 15 Scruggs 1 Arthur 5 Owen RC Smith 7 Butler McLeed 3 Dougherty 1 Janes Walker 3 Subs: Trojans Wright 1 Shaw 2 Sharp Byrd Pierce Bolt 1 Kerr Blau feld 2 Clinton Manning 5 Williams 4 Diggs 1 Graham Vandegriff Stivers id Carter Beats Stair 42-19 Johnny and Bob Adco*ck led the attack yesterday as Carter downed Stair 42 to 19 on the Stair court Coffee tallied 12 for the losers The Carter team also triumphed beating second 32 to 13 CARTER (43) Po STAIR (19) Adco*ck 12 Coffee 12 Walker 5 Cale 2 Wilhite II Lee Merritt fG Whit 3 Adeoek 12 William 2 Substitutes: Carter Smith Stair Turner 1 Praying Colonels Defeat Maniacs 26-22 i The Praying Colonels of Second church last night defeated the West Knoxville Maniacs 26 to 22 in their basketball game at gym i Both teams staged their best fight of the early season and kept the score fairly even throughout the game Allen led the Colonels after going into the game as a substitute and Slater took the lead for the Maniacs Lineup: COLONELS (26) Fa MANIACS (22) Armstrong 2 Bonner 5 Blair 1F McMahan 3 Beeler 4 Huskey Hill 3 Slater 8 Hatcher 2 Burnett Substitutions lor Colonels Allen 10 Davis 4 for Maniacs Henderson 6 Maples Help Women 7 TWO EXPERIENCED waitresses stay on place Apply at Gray Tavern Clinton Highway Knoxville 1 Agents and Canvassers 9 MAKE OVER 100 PROFIT selling our beautiful line of Xmaa cards and toilet seta STAR SALES CO 313 Depot St- Business Opportunities 12 FOR RENT Two adjoining Stalls in Market House with the privilege of buying the equipment A good proposition Stalls available first of January Get in touch with Market House Master IMPROVED BUSINESS-" PROPERTY 1231 Good filling sta-Uon Also plenty room on the lot for auto repair shop Lot 90 ft front 173 ft deep Also alley along side and rear of lot Should now rent at $50 month Worth $5000 price $3500 Cash $500 balance 150 notes $25 each without interest SEE SPRANKLE 422 UNION MODERN FILLING STATION Has 85 ft frontage on comer of University and Western Ave You can build large repair shop in rear to take care of cars $300 cash 150 notes $25 each No interest SEE SPRANKLE 422 UNION 5-CENT HAMBURGER Unit one of a well known chain ideal location showing profit over $300 mo Open for inspection Sacrifice sale NATION WIDE BUSINESS BROKERS 306 General Bldg IF INTERESTED in a Grocery with good stock and meat equipment ideal location well established with good business see this one Owner has other interests Address A-ll Journal SALE OR LEASE Nashville Leading Beauty School long established modem shop and clinic Good location Owner desirea vacation from business Box A-13 Journal To sell or buy a bust- ness talk with us for quick confidential aervice Many cash buyers waiting BUSINESS BROKERS 712 Hamilton Bk Bldg 3-1614 FOR SALE Tourist camp gro store fill St 7-R mod hse Hgwy 33 Maryville Jenkins Rt 4 Maryville RESTAURANT Good location good business Sell cheap easy terms 3-9368 414 Wall CAFE FOR SALE Best location in Burlington Well equipped Apply Cafe Burlington Instruction Courses 14 LEARN DIESEL ENGINES Low cost course with shop training Many Diesel engines complete Diesel laboratory Nationally known Write for free booklet 507 Hemphill Diesel Schools Bldg Memphis Tenn Recommended Services 15 CINDERS CAN deliver any quantity anywhere priced to sell Crushed stone and gravel Dial 3-3546 LEAKY roofs gutter repairing carpenter work chimney furnace and stove repairing plumbing concreting kev lock and safe experts furniture repair Giles Safe 6c Lock Co 3-7067 MATTRESSES Renovated Box Spring mattress Upholstering repairing Shotes 825 Cumb 2-9383 Painting Wallpaper and Decorating 18 WALL PAPER furnished and hung at reasonable prices Nice selections Work guaranteed Call 8-4014 Dowdy WALL PAPER furnished and hung cleaning paper and painting Work guar reasonable Best ref A Vaughn 3-6769 Professional Services 19 I CYRUS KEHK St SWECKER Patent Trade Mark and Copyright Law National Presa Bldg Washington Massages 19-A REDUCE the healthy way with health motor vibration and diet Special price Miss Hedenberg 2319 Magnolia 2-4200 Optometrists 20 DR- YOUNG Eyesight Specialist UJUBlij 25 Yrs in Knoxville Invites Your Patronage Market St Phone 8-4866 503 DR PAUL ATCHLLY 209 Between Commerce dt Vine Hotel Rooms 21 Reid Hotel $100 Day $400 Weekly GUESTS LAUNDRY FREE Corner Gay and Main Ave NEW MILNER HOTEL FORMERLY THE ATKIN HOTEL $100 Day $360 Weekly GUESTS LAUNDRY FREE Depot and Gay Sts JARVIS HOTEL Reasonable daily weekly or monthly rates transient or permanent Dial 2-9183 201 Church Furnished Rooms- 2 2 PRIVATE HOME Desirable bedroom adjoining private or semi-private bath Nicely furnished and comfortable Mod-ern conveniences Car line 3-8081 UNUSUAL BEDROOM Also 2 room apt and light housekeeping room Good heat continuous hot water Close in 3-8469 MODERNISTIC furnished room with grate coal furnished semi-private bath blocks from Gay St Cheap rates 2-2226 ATTRACTIVELY furnished bedroom New mod home prl ent semi-pri bath gar Gentiemen 2731 Magnolia 3-1720 804 MAIN Twin bedroom semi-private bath for two gentlemen Also room with double bed Stoker heat 2-5892 WEST Room with private bath Will furnish to suit renter Adults only Call 3-6354 WELL furnished room private or adj bath inner-spg mattress steam heat con hot water Business people 2-2668 Housekeeping Rooms 26 BUSINESS To share modern furnished 2 apt home Steam heat Must see to appreciate Dial 3-9020 ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS Newly decorated two to five rooms best location in city All modern con vemences Price very reasonable Cal 2-6147 or 2-7174 nights IT WILL pay you to see the Summl Apts before you rent being completel: overhauled large beautiful warm roon or rooms neatly furnished reasonabls Vine Ave at Market 2-9397 FIRST Boor apt well furnished strictly private lights water steam heat private bath Frigidaire 1503 Chilhowee 2-7833 COMFORTABLE furnished Front bedroom private bath kitchenette Cont hot water stoker heat 218 5th Ave 1ST FLOOR 3 rooms private Stoker heat refrigeration lights phone ga-rage Adults After 3 2431 Fifth MODERN 4-room Apt Bath front rear porches entrance Hot water and heat Garage Block car line 2-2904 atchman Accused Of Shooting At Policeman Is In Hospital not talking was the comment of LalJue 31-year-old automobile shop watchman last night at Knoxville General hospital where he was taken with scalp injuries after he had engaged in gunplay with officers LaRue was reported to have defied police in removing him from the Western Avenue Automobile Supply shop and fired at Policeman Russell early yesterday when the latter went there to investigate a previous disturbance 1 The cause of head wounds was a mystery Police Chief York said he been able to determine how the man was injured Young Swamps selfish service and I trust the Christmas Festival will be well-attended and that generosity will be the ruling sentiment of participants in the There will be no admission charge for the FestivaL Everyone regardless of his rank or station is invited to attend and participate Receptacles will be placed in the auditorium wherein gifts of food clothing or toys may be deposited In addition an offering will be taken following the appeal by Mr But and this is important to the success of the Christmas Festival anyone who can not make a contribution in cash or kind should not feel that he must remain away from the Festival the Goodfellows Club and KHS students have planned the program to emphasize audience-participation in Christmas joy WILL BE BROADCAST The musical portion of the program will be broadcast over Station WROL beginning at 7:30 Appeals also will be broadcast and telephoned contribution pledges will be accepted gratefully at WROL or The Journal The Festival program be opened by brief concerts by the KHS orchestra directed by Fred DeRobertis and the KHS chorus under direction of Edward Hamilton Then with Mr Hamilton leading the audience will join in singing Christmas carols Final event of the program will be a presentation by the KHS Masquers Club of Charles famous Christmas story Christmas in dramatic form Continued from page 1 Hits Nazis decessor Stanley Baldwin after a refugee fund appeal last Thursday in which Baldwin spoke of explosion of inhumanity to Baldwin spoke as ordinary Englishman shocked and at the plight of the victims GAP LEFT AT TABLE So late was the cancellation of the German acceptance of the Foreign Press invitations that waiters lacked sufficient notice to rearrange tho dinner places to fill up the gaps There was a vacant chair at own table where Ambassador Herbert von Dirksen was to have sat Another of the vacant chairs was that assigned to Gottfrid Schmann head of the German foreign office press department Whom Reichsfuehrer Hitler had sent to London to hear address Other German guests were to have included member: of the embassy staff and journalists Shortly before the dinner the German embassy announced: i German ambassador and members of the embassy staff and German journalists sincerely regret that because of certain sentences in the Prime speech they should not attend the Foreign Press dinner in London Dr Stefan Litauer president of the association said the German objections resulted from criticism of the Nazi press in his prepared speech NEARLY 500 GUESTS THERE Nearly 500 other guests attended the dinner however including the Italian ambassador Count Dino Grandi Invitations also were accepted by the ambassadors of Belgium Brazil France Poland and the Soviet Union (United States Ambassador Joseph Kennedy was en -route home) Dr Stephan Litauer president of the Foreign Press association said ousting of the German journalists would be considered at the next meeting In his speech the Prime Minister reaffirmed his determination however to follow the path of The address had been keenly awaited in diplomatic circles as a possible outline of course in the next 30 days when a visit by the Prime Minister to Rome is to be made Admitting disappointments and in his course he added am neither disheartened nor deterred by these passing' Continued from page 1 State Faces and approximately the same amount to educational purposes Stokes said the new administration apparently had only three alternatives: 1A Find a new tax source 2 Postpone the contemplated increase for( old age aid and educational purposes 3 Run a deficit the former the commissioner declared examination of possible courses leads one to consider those courses which have been followed by other states similarly situated They are: Passage of a constitutional amendment to permit enactment of a general net income tax xxx Enactment of a liquor and race track law which in the case of Arkansas has raised about $2500000 Enactment of a general sales tax xxx Extension of the gross receipts item now contained in part 2 of the general revenue bill to include persons and businesses which are exercising taxable privileges but which are not at the present time included in the gross receipts item and which are not paying franchise of excise taxes Grandowich achieved quite a feat last week by winning a fall from Everette Marshall the champion He has predicted 4 quick triumph for himself over Bartush Dan will meet Chief Tommy Marvin and Joe Corbett will oppose Fred Carone in the preliminaries 1 Ladies with escorts willl be admitted free TSD 71-36 For 2nd Win In one of the high-scoring games Young High defeated the Tennessee School for the Deaf 71 to 46 last night on the court It was second victory in the County league Friday at 1:30 Young will meet the strong Pineville Ky quintet on the Young hardwood Admission Will be a dime Perry led the scoring last night with 22 Peach tallied 20 for TSD Yaanf (71) Fa TSD (46) Palmer 15 Faunt 2 Fratt 18 Peach 6 Ben Backer 6 Hensley 2 Oliver 2 Cleme IS Perry 22 Fatten Sabs: Yaanf Darnell Tarver Smith 8 Bill Backer TSD Vallentine Mynatt 6 Kill Rule Captures Two From New Market Rule High school A and teams were victorious over New Market in a twin affair last night on the Rule court Scores were 27 to 14 and 13 to 11 respectively I Akers was honor man for Rule with Cooke carrying off most of the scores dwindling volume until the final lap when activity quickened and lagging quotations generally revived to finish around top levels of the day The Associated Press average ef 60 stocks was up 4 of a point at 508 the best advance for any session since Nov 30 Transfers totaled 1093550 shares against 899305 the day before Douglas Aircraft United Aircraft and Sperry were among those stepping into new high ground for 1938 Army orders and expanding exports again spurred the airplane section General Motors Chrysler and Greyhound were in the forefront of the upswing as retail sales of the automotive industry in November were placed at 65 per cent ahead of October and nearly 4 per cent above November last year Growing orders for rails and other steel products helped lift Sa 1 Bethlehem and offsetting this recession in mill operations A definite turn for the better in steel output was looked for in -the near future Mounting freight traffic Increasing net operating revenues and the belief Congress will alleviate the principal difficulties of ailing railroads helped give the carriers a belated boost Rubber Goodyear and Goodrich leaned upward as tire replacements appeared highly satisfactory Coppers oils mail orders and farm implements were unable to work up much steam Continued from page 1 Burke Backs nessee would have gotten $550000 yearly during -the past two years under the original Schools Appropriation Burke said was their bill Instead the budget director said the university received $645000 in 1937 and about $625-000 this year under the Reorganization act which established the impoundment system and repealed abatement clauses of the original act The original appropriation he said was made contingent upon the payment of continuing appropriations and money appropriated by the 1937 legislature He said that as a result of the Impoundment of certain state funds the public schools including the university participated in $1800000 an amount he figured would not have been available otherwise other words they (the schools) fared better under impoundment than they would have under Continued from page 1 Will Discuss chairman of the league said he will send Boiler Inspector A Bozeman to Cincinnati to study smoke-fighting methods employed there Cincinnati has carried on an active campaign to eliminate smoke and has made extensive improvement particularly in reducing smoke from locomotives Winners To Be Given Next Sunday Results in the membership campaign conducted by The Knoxville Journal for the Smoke and Dirt Abatement league will be announced in paper The prizes will be given to Parent-Teacher associations which signed up the greatest number of members based on school enrollment The prizes will be $15 750 and $250 Hurley Inc Insurance Surety Bonds GENERAL BLDG DIAL 3-8193 DEAVERS TEAM BULLETS MISSED MARK None of the bullets allegedly fired by LaRue and Policeman Russell took effect however After declining to for a reporter LaRue added be plenty of time for that later and let someone else Police were held at bay for an hour after receiving a call at 2:30 a that LaRue had allegedly terrorized customers and a clerk Victor Cameron in a Western avenue hamburger stand LaRue finally unlocked the door and walked outside with Captain Lunsford and two other policemen Taken to city jail he was booked on charges of felonious assault with intent to kill and carrying a pistol Later yesterday officers also placed charges of drunkenness and shooting in the city against LaRue Continued from first Sports Page Boston Bees an increase of from 23 to 25 in the player limit for each club but the American League voted to hold to the present 23 standard with each club permitted a of two players This list would make it possible for disabled players to be retained on the roster instead of placing them on the voluntary retired list The joint meeting of both leagues will talk tjiis disagreement over and if it is not settled then Commissioner Landis will cast the deciding vote in the matter Both leagues voted down a suggestion to have the players paid on an eight-month basis beginning with the first day of spring training and ending with the last day of the World Series At present the system is to start the pay checks rolling only with the opening of the regular season The defeated motion tended to penalize holdout ball-players who did not report on time for spring training Night baseball came up in both meetings The National League re-enacted its amendment permitting each club to play seven games under the lights per season and President Ford Frick said if the American is also forthcoming it was probable the Phillies and possibly the Cardinals would get into the movement The American League decided to have a new resolution drawn up and voted on tomorrow At present the junior circuit permits night baseball only on a year-to-year basis and the new move would make it permanent if passed consider the entire movement a fine thing a true expression of the real spirit of Judge Houston said think the Good-fellows Club and students of Knoxville High school are to be commended warmly for their un- LOCAL MARKETS All prices qated By Sealers la this esloma are sabjeet te chance with oat previna nstiee The Knxville Jearnal is aat respensible far exact qaetatiena KNOXVILLE LIVESTOCK Good steers 7c to 7V4c Gooc heifers 6c to 7c Medium heifers Sc to 6c Good cows 4 Vic to 5c Good bulls 5c to 5c Good calves 7c to 9c Medium calves 4c to 6c Good hoqs 180 to 275 pounds 7 Ve Good hogs 300 to 350 pounds 63ic Good hogs 160 to 190 pounds 7c Roughs 6 to 6 Vic FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Irisn potatoes No 2s tl-10 per 100- pouni bag No 1 potatoes $175 Lettuce $350 to $450 Carrots basket 75c dozen $4 crate Limes $125 to $150 per 100 Cauliflower $275 Lemons $450 to $550 box California oranges $350 to $375 box New cabbage 2c Bananas 4c to 4 Vic New sweet potatoes $100 busheL New yellow onions $125 In 50-lb bags New white onions $150 in 50-lb bags Stayman McIntosh Grimes Golden and Jonathan apples $125 basket Florida oranges $2 to $225 (standard boxt Florid grapefruit $225 (standard) box Texas pink meat and marsh seedless grapefruit $275 crate Emperor grapes $225 lug FIELD SEEDS Red Top 12 Vic pound Blue grass $250 busheL Orchard grass $250 busheL Kya grass 12 Vic pound Red clover $13 busheL Vetch 12c pound Timothy $250 busheL FLOUR AND GRAIN (Whalesala Selling Price) Com (buying price) 55c busheL Wheat (buying price) 80c bushel Mea 84c per bushel in 12-pound bags Flour (superlative patent) $710 barrel Flour (fancy patent) $550 barrel Flour (family patent) $450 barreL MiL feed $135 per 100 pounds POULTRY AND EGGS (Prices on poultry and eggs delivered to the Knoxville market are quoted below Buying prices elsewhere In this area less per market unit quoted to provide for transportation to this marked Prices subject to change without notice) Timothy $250 busheL DAILY QUOTATIONS Colored bens 12c pound Geese 6c pound Ducks 6c pound Eggs 27c dozen Old roosters 7c pound Guineas 20c each Colored spring chickens lie pound Leghorn and black spring chickens 10c Turkeys 13c pound MRS HERBERT MADDEN'S TEAM Nominations Deferred By Wildlife Chapter Nominating committee of Knox county chapter Tennessee Wildlife Federation will report Dec 21 President Guy Frizzell said last night The committee had been scheduled to nominate new officers at meeting at the cafeteria but is not ready 1 Announcements 1 ATTENTION MOTORISTS! When you start on that trip you will need a convenient sate place to carry your extra coats when not worn where they will not get wrinkled and soiled See a new invention just out Detachable Coat Rack" easily attached to back of front seat of any four door sedan car neat and inexpensive at Auto Supply 304 So Gay St Lost and Found 2 LOST Five months old Rat Terrier White with black ears Vicinity of Park City Answers to name Reward Dial 2-2440 5 MO OLD Pointer bird dog puppy male white with large lemon spots Vicinity Park City Ana to Hew for ret or inf as to whereabouts 6-1907 Situations Wanted i Women I 5 1 WILL CABE FOR CHILDREN While mothers shop or work Dial 3-5390 MRS ROBERT SPILMAN'S TEAM ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS Newly decorated 2 3 and 4 rooms best location in city all modern conveniences price very reasonable Cali 2-6147 or 2-7174 nights IN PRIVATE home with large yard 3 rooms kitchenette and bath garage 5 rooms and bath garage Dial 2-9183 Or 3-850L 2611 MAGNOLIA Four rooms second-floor apartment Frigidaire gas stove Heat and continuous hot water furnished Garage 3-3668 TREND or STAPLE PRICES NEW YORK Dec The Associated Press weighted wholesale price index of 35 commodities today declined to 66 57 Previous day 6666 week ago 6696 month ago 6758 year ago 7520 Range of recent years: 1938 1937 1936 1933-35 High 74 37 9814 8922 78 68 Low 6386 7385 7131 4144 (1926 average equals 100) COLLEGE BASKETBALL Davidsn 55 William and Mary 85 Washington and Lee 61 Bridgewater 16 Arkansan 32 Phillips Oilers 1 Richmond 41 Maryland 34 Gcrgetawn 36 Legal (Baltimre) $4 MrrU-Harver 49 Leneir-Khgne 32.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.