Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

i 1 HSiSCE 1SD COMEECE. 'BOIETS PES HEW TORK EXCaiJiUE PAB. Cottoa Steady Yitldliaff Cotton, 9 Cent Silo Yenterdaj, Oiit BJeg. Money la in active demand at 8 for cent. Finance, are ateady.

Loa' securities are in strong demand. The ootton market il steaiy; Bales, 950 bales. At No York epot quiet; raid-dlleg. e-llo. Fatarea ateady January, l.4ti-.j9.46o.

A leedirg New Tork ootton olroe'ar eaya af the speculative market! "The farmer light end indifferent oontinutd from all quarters. The supply wag probably a trifle imaller tbaa for a few days, and aft breaking 6 peiati nrioee rooovered alightly, bat the close iu ilow." At New Orleaa. epoti were quiet: middling-, 9 1 Ms. Future! dull and to pointi lower i Janaaxy, 9.12;9.14o. Future market eloeed, it being the anniversary of the Battle of New Orleant.

Liverpool epotg were du.l, In buyero' fftror; middling, 6 5-Kd. Future! euy; January February, 6 14 -61 buyere. The general market presents a steal? feel- IMPORTS, Two hundred and lily-two pkgs bn ter, SI pkgi bacon, pkie boots and cheese. 04 sea coffee, 10 eaie cotton, 63 trtSfcke ootton teed, 6 bd a cotton tier, 32 pkse dry kO'iln, 22 i kgs brit lour T2 bales oay. SO pkirl 7 kd rattle, 1 bd horse, and 00O0 lumber, 2i6 brla molastes.

ar porg sides. 71 hhds eu-gr, 210 trls sue ir, 19 ikn tobaoeo, 300 bu wheat, 23 brU ri e. Dully tuuinlitn Cotton Oil Traaia and New Tork Ka rbansra tilort! are ope to tuoee lnterktHt, my file. JOHN NORTON DEALER IB STOCKS AND BONDS 21 KadlMon Moinphln, Tenn. FINAJSCE.

Money in goo) rlnnand at 8 per cent. The Clearing Home report ii aa Wl0W'S CL1ARLNQS. Saturday, JM.lfJ Tbue far thi. wo.k Same time lai.t week 1.99-,822 H7 CorreepoedingtiuiO In 'So 2,442.244 8J Correepondiiif time in '86 2,290,133,87 BALANCES. Saturday, Jan.

8. '87. -J J4 862 23 Thai far thia week 579,7.18 n3 Same time lust woek 63'1I6 Hi Correapoa lng time in '81 Corresponding time In '83 377,414 63 EXCHANGE. New Ynrk eight on all discount buying, par a ill'ngi New Kng and demand. diee ua' bujlngi New Krwlaod light, ducount; NewOrleana, diicount bujing, BASK8r0CK3.

Bank of Commerce lM-hid, naked Fire) National .10 b.d, lfiS aakel German But 1J d. te4 State National lilA' 150 Union and P'antere 1W bid, asked Wemantile Bnk aaked IdanbaUan 8ing! 260 bid, aaked INSUKANCB 8TO0KS. Bluff City bid, aiiked Hernando Mb Home 77 bid, 80 asked ktemphli City People! ...85 bid. H7S asked Phoenix. a ked Plantrri 110 bid, asked Vanderbi.t 25 bid, 30 aaked Arlinaton 35 hid, aaj-ed Factors 3" bid, asked 124 bid, a nd MISCELXANEUt.H.

Shelby County warrant! ftShld, 98 aaked M. A C. R. K. Bbarn 45 bid, aked li.AT.K.

R. shares 45 bid, 50 aaked M. A eonaols. 7s 121 bid, aaked M. A L.

R. 1-t m. 8a Hfi ij. aaked Mifs. A 1 R.

R. os. 113 bid, atked Wid. A T. It 4 biJ, 106 asked Tenn.

wf. ser. 9Bbirl, 98akd Tenn.wts. er RtoJ 85 bid, aiked Hhelby County rV )0 bid, 110 asked Taxing liiitrict Wi lH, lOOK aaked Taxing I)i-tr'ct6 bid, K7 a ked Vomphis iaa boi.ds....- 1(4 b.d. Ueinpho Water 1i0 bid aaked Am.

Cot. Oil tru 63 b'd, 64 Pioneer ditton Mills IV, bid, 32 aaked Memphis fior. Coic Co Memphif Qua stuok 77 bid, 80 aked Ilasonie Temple bond. 6s. inr Culled Masonic mpie rtock 50 60 atkod Cot.

Kl 14 liid. lot) aaked Ala. A Tenn. I A limbid, l(6akol Tenir. Vailoy 1.

A R. rl 45 bid, 10 asked NEW YOkK, Jmuaty on eall ay at 546 closing at 3. Prime mercantile papn' per nent. Stoning exchange seiid at 480' for aixly day bill" and 44'4 fir demand Bjnds UoTornment were dull but firm. btite bonds were quiet and ''btiioij The stook marked wai nnu'ually quiet, there being very liitle de'ire ti trado, even among the pntfonionali and rnotn i movemenis in prices, except in three or four an eks, were uwgiih and en-tirely ii.iiirn'fioi'it.

here some ooTer-ingof shorts in the early morn ng. which imparted a lono ol renmh to the deal ngi for a sbor. lime, aided by the sudden strength by Oonaolidatod Uas. heu ti deraandu of the thorn ceas a disposition wis shon to await 'tie bank statement, which, nroring uousually furor-able, stirnu atd buying a imxll extent, but thi more oei.t on ceased. Kantas nn 1 Texas wan a notably feature late la the day, upou the deoi ion of the Barry suit a amitthe company.

The eoal eioekt were the leaders of tno general market, but wade no important changes The dy neini 8 iturday there was rary little fnrewn trading, and dealings were ino-t entire ye mined to the room. Tbeepening wai about atendy, tae ohanges trom Ian ereniog's final qu itationa being forioiignif-ioant iraetioua only. The trading was very dull, exopt in the coal itooki nd climond and Wilt Point. lonolidtted 11 1 wan remarkably it ong, and tno remainder lol-lowed owly. Tno market became dull before tho end of 8r-t hour and gy.iie'allr hoary, with the exception Peoria, Deea-tur and KtriinMViile and Consolidated rias.

Thi-re was ime improremont in the general list in ihe afiornouu, but later tha advanoe was lost, K'Ufai and Texan bvoajing extremely weak. Prions moved boti waya in the Ivt keur, and th murHet Dually closed heavy to e4k oloie to the opening figure! Palan, 198,1 shares; Mealing turn h-d Hiohmood and West Point, jer'ey Cantral, 20 600, and Lackawanna, 14,100 sbare. Moat itook! have ad Tunred una 1 friotions, though Norfolk and Wentera preftrred is up I per cent There was a vder. to burners in ra lroad bondi, the features of wh eh was weaknena in the Kan a and lexaa 6 and 5, in conse-quenoe ol the ileoiriaa a gainst the 0 impiny, and the trengtn in the Erie and Western and Litlaelte, lilooiuington and uncle, Uioi tbe pro, pec of tho-e ae-ruritias ai der hi ro ganiiition of the Lake Erie and Western Comi any. Kansas an Tex'S 8s ed the st aitiritv, their sales bain; 1175 foi out ol atotaldiy'a busi-ine of 11,370,000 ioes were generally firm tbrouahout the day, and final quotation) in msay oases show nritenat adranoei.

Nickel Pla'oeeKnrtkroie2'4 oTiH, Wabah St. Ioui Diri.ion 7s IVS, Ureat Weatern nrf. 1 tn lilt. Lake Erie and Western in come Hii to 50, Latayetus, Bioomington and aaaoce incnujer to e-i. Uinmi abarei a ateadr.

with Bntrn Tnnn.l at tVt. her Drioae bid were: Alice 135, Best and B'leher 12, Bodie To, Balwer lb. taioaoni uiioi uuii in, Celiloraiaand Virginia 2550, Ue.dwocd 240, Hale and Norores- 875, 11 mi Stale 12, Horn enter 100, retroicuia upeneu ivruni i i.oii adranced to to 71,, and olosed irm at 71 sales, 8 40 barrels. Thete'al aalea ot sUirki today wera 18, US shares, in In iina Delaware, Lackawanna and Woe'ern. 14 OuO: Kno S100; Miasoort, Kansas and Tei Lake t-hore, S4 a l.nniaallla Ma.hvilU.

3U.4T5 1 feW Jer sey Central. Jii.OOO; Peoria. Deoatnr and KTansillo, 70 Heading, 3H.ZIU; HC 1'aul TOO; St. Paul and Oiiinha, 57hO; rexas anc Pu, airunnnt naidi. S2H: Union Pa eifie.

MjOi Weatern Union, "462. doling quotations i SOTSagKkXTS. U. 8. 9a, lOOS 4i, enup, 12T.

4i, eottp, i'i. PaoiSo (4 ol 18, 125, ORD8., a. at Mi.annrlAa.llO. Cent.

Pao. Uta.lMW- Io A P.ll..w iti i. trie aas, IT Ad OO Vu.l.U. 1164 North. Pao.

2d's 104V4. N. Western oon. 140'4 est eb.b Bt.u.o.r uen.oiiiiu. 6t.Pauloyn, 12iS- St.P.C.AP lst.

117. i T.P. land grniji.81. T.P.R O.ex oou.71. C.

P. Uta, Wot,oet'mt,lK. lenn.5i,ei'mt. 99.

fenn.aaaot'mt, 78. Adams Ixpraea, 140. Allegheny NashTille A 86. Alton A T. 90.

N-J-Central. A. AT.H..pM..0. Nor.A W.ptd.51. American lo7.

Northern 27. B. O. R. A N.

4S. Northern Pao Bid. S9M Saneda 6014. 0.AN.W..U3S anada 80a 614. A N.W.pfd.,139- Central Paeinc, 41.

Central, Hi. Chesapeake A 0 N.T.C.A St.L.,13. 0. A 0. 1-t pfd.lo',.

N.Y.0.A St L.pld.24'i C. A O. 2d pfd. 9'. Ohio Central, Chicago A Ohio A C.A A.nld,155.

A Miss. pfd. 92V, B. 1J7. Ontario IV.

Bt L. A N.O Oreron 101 St. A 17l. Oregon 32X. C.St.LA P.rfd, 39 Oregon 41.

C. 8. A C. 5J. Pacillo Mail, 4 O.AC., 64.

Panama, 18. 0. A H. Valley. S7 Peoria A Del.

A Hud 102 Pittsburg. 150. L. A IMS. Pullman P.C.ltO.

va. a mo ati. Kaading, i. Erie, Kit. Rook Erie ptd, 71'4.

Bt.L. A S.F..SJ. Now St.L AS.K nfd. 65S. NowB.Tenn.

pf .80. St.L. A S. F. let p.

117 Fort Wayne, 147 C. M. A M. 89. Hannibal A Bt.

1:. Ht.f,, 117. ASt.Jo nfd. 8t. M.

A Harlem, 216. St Houston A 42' 4 St Paul AO. pfd, 108 Illinois Cen'ral. 134. Tenn.

CoalA Iron, 47 Ind B. A lG'i. Texas Paoifio, 25. XT m. oil tt u.

vAniH a 1 01 7i, uuiuo rviuae ona. Lake E. AW, 18. U. S.

Exp ess, 66 Lake Shore, 94H. S. A 16. Loa. A P.

31. Lou. AN. 60. A F.

12d. M. A 1st pfd, W.U.Tel., 74. M. A C.

seoonds. Colorado Coal. 38. Mem. A Char 61.

hom*o Stake, 13. Mich. 92. Iron Silver, 250. Min.

A St. L.i Wi Ontario, 22. Min. A St. L.pld.

4.1'$. Quicksilver, Y. Misonr Pacific Quicksilver pld, iVri. Mobile A Ohio, 15. south Pacific, M.

L. 8 A 66 Sutro, 3i. M.L.8.A W.pfd,9HHi. LONDON. Jnu.rv 109 9-16 for money and 100v 'or the account.

United states bnd 4, 129S; Atltntic and Ureat Western soconos. 13. lhe amount of bullion 'no into the liank of Konlurd on btleuce today is iii ,0 0. RI 8 Three per oeot. rentes.

82f fOj for the account. BANK CL8ARIKGS. NEW TOHK. 8. Batik clear nir" today were 1107.327.532: balances.

67.015. BALTIMORE. Jinnarv 8. Bank elearings today were 1,418, G8J; balanoes, 1295.395. ST.

LHUIS. Janna-v elearinira todv ware 713, 000; for the week, haLmoes today, lor Hie week, 82.865,001. PHILADELPHIA. Jnnunry 8. Bank clearings today were 19.955,391: for the week, 874.3.0.153; haianrei today, the 670,278.

BOSTON. Jannarr 8. Bank clearinffs tndav wore l4, for 'he week. siuie week in 188-1, balances today, for the week, lame week in ltso, l.l.oi,- 8. CHICAGO, January 8.

Exchange day wa' quiet at 40) Astioated bank olear nirs t- da were t7.1'i2.,OM: for the week, 863.138,100. against 1 5,593,000 for the same wk last year, an inorease ol 13 1 per coot. KRW YORK. Jannarv 8. Tho weeklr bun kitiiameot shows 'he following changes: Riscrve-lnnre so, 12,816,323.

i.oans Increase, 84,791,8 0. 8pcie ioorea'e, 100. Lel tenders increase, 12.441,800. Deposits inorae, Oirouiation iieornare, 114.700. Tbe banks now hold 114,786,675 in ex ess ol the 25 per cent.

rnle. COTTON JSIA.RK ETS. The locl cotton rmrkot ODeaed firm and eloied steady, middling, 9.1. Hilei. 9 0 bales, inclu Una last 750 to exporters, and 2 0 to spinners.

EXJHANOB QUOTATIONS. Vesterdsy. Noio. 8" i 5 ZZZ 9H Friday. Norn.

Ordinary Hood Ordinary Low Middling. Mid-iline- 9 Good Middling 3 Mi'idling ta.r........ Pair Nom rtom, Staina and tlngei 13-16 8198 13 16 COTTON STATEMENT. Mawrnis, January 8, 1887, book, Pept lt, 1886. 4 Keoeived today rUoeivod previously 499,077 604,634 Shipped today 4.104i Shipped previously 2 Home consumption to 3o9 367,065 Stook, running 137,549 1,961 M0 625 409 182 152 2iHl 45 16 Hi 177 51 eMOrl.

Thus far this week Thus far last week Since Sepumbrr 1st M. AC. R.R M. A T. R.

L. A N. AI, 14. R. AS.

w. R. ri. o. a t.

h. K. A M. R. 8.

A B. H. it Stoameis Wagons and other sources Total xooti. 4.104 24.44 ..366 716 722 2o9 927 1,824 325 97 Thn far this week Thus far last week Sinoo September 1st M. AC R.

M. A r. it tS.ll.H AS. W. R.

y. ti 1. n. AH. R.R Total 4,104 New York fuois onened auit end cloned qiiet; middling, 9 9 lOo.

Sales, 200 bales. Quotations were ai follows: Yesterday. Friday Ordinary 6 H-lfl 6 13 16 Good 8 3 16 8 3 16 Low middling 1-10 1 in Middling 9 9-16 9 9 16 Oood Middling 9 13-16 9 13 16 Middling lair 10 7 16 10 7-1" Fair 1-16 11 1-16 New York futures ODened ateady, and nlna ftoadr and 2 to 3 iii ts lower. Sales, 64.000 bales. Tho closing quotation! were aa lollows: Xstrna.

rrany. January 9 44'l 9.41 9 47 4 9.48 Febru iry 9 544 9 5M 9.57 March 9 6S96 9 9.68 April 9.75' 9 76 9.78 4 9 79 Mav 9 8 9 86 9 88-4 9.89 June 9 9VH 9 96 9.98 9.99 July 10 Oli'tio 01 10 08(10 07 August lO.OO'ilO 10.11 10J2 September 9 910 9.92 10 91H10 92 Tha Nmw Orlaantf snot market opened quiet and olo ed quiet; middling, 9 I-I60. Sales, 300 baks. Quotations were as fol- ows: Yesterday. rrmay.

Ordinary 1 7X, Mood Ordinary 8 5-16 8 6-16 Low Middling- 814 8'4 Middli.g 8 116 9 1- 6 liood ddllug 7-18 9 7-lb At vw npleam fiitnra market busi- neii was suspended on yeaterd it being the annivorcaty of lhe battle of New Orleans DAILt PORT AND INTERIOR MRKKTS Tone. Rto i'rioes. Stock (lalveston 1.821 9 '116 824 New Orleani. Quiet. 8.11 9 1-16 422.947 Mobile t.iady.

1.43. 9 I 28 S.vat.nah... Qu'et. 2 08 2 9 1-16 109 i8 Charleston liet. 9Vi 40, i Wilmington K.rui.

3 15 4 3 Norlolk Steedy. S'i 46 Baltimore Quiet. 1,6 3 14.740 New York- Quiet. 700 9 9-16 'ston Qilet. 98 9 11-16 I'hilidelphU Dull.

813 14.901 St. Auen-'tA Quiet. 74 9 i Ranaiota at ria. thin dav. 1H7 Receipts at po t', this day, 1886 20,598 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT.

1887. 1886, 1885. Receipts U. Stolen ports, 1 day 19 881 20.588 23,200 10 6 9 8.5H8 26.8I8 Export Qt Britain rtuok Receipts Sept. 1st 1 1.108,400 3 9 8,541 3.

815. 988 2 476,44212.208,9 12,471 336 foreign exports Increase In receipts thia year 162,874 a fllAnn T.lwa-nnnl inota doll. In buverl levor. ce'ee, owv Ama-lean 8400 kales. Race Dt1.

19.000 bales, of which American 3W0 bales. I n. n. wars HI to DW, rr dimry, 4 9 16d; good ordinary, ri; low middling, 5ti; gooi miauima, dlinc uplands. 5-16d: middlinf Orleani 5d.

I Tkt tmces are ci'eea peace oaif 64la, law: 4 63 aMcms 4 63-6tdt and 501 kim 5 1 At nMn rntnrev were dull at decline: January. 6 ltd rnary, 6 14 i February-March, 6 14-li March. Anril. 1 til I Aoril Mil. 5 16d iy- June, Slid; 6 20d 5 2id.

At 2 P.m: Liverpool fntnrel were eay: January, 5 14 1, lelleri: Januarv- fetiruary, 8 HI, Duyers; 5 131, biyers: Maroh-Aptil, 6141, boyeri; Apiil May, 5 151, buyers; Mav- June, 5 171. buyori; June-July, 5 19J. buters; July-Au-got, 6 211. buer; Auguit tei-tomber, 6 26d, buyers. WORLD'S VISIBLE 8CPPLT.

The New York fwaaCvil Carmieis of Jan-aary 1th fiveg till loilowing ftgutoi: To'al MEMPHIS DAILY v4t4a nvwlr, aqwlnet la 184. Iheee fig.res iadieau aa inorease of cotton ia light of 122,410 baloe, as 00m pat ed with tho same date la 1886, and an inorease of 111.091 bales as compared with game date ia 1885. INTERIOR MOVEMENT, JAN. 7. 188T.

RaciertsHbisweek 70.263 lame week in 1816 67,679 Fame week in 1885 53 Inrrease compared with 0 lLcreaie compared with 1885 17,254 fhipmenu this week 90 576 Same week in 186 84.666 Same week in 188 81.712 Inorease compared with '18X6 6 910 Inorease compared with ,1885 8,861 Ftock this week Sane la .886 Sama week in 185 Ieereaae eomrered with Inoreato compared with 188S PLANTATION MOVEMENT. 1W 138.648 18K5 122.412 1-elt 105,875 CROP MARKETED AND IN 61GBT JANUARY Till. Vet port receipt to Jan- 1 8S7. 1886. nary 7th 8,898,600 Overland mnvemeLt to November 337,633 Est.

Southern conrump tion to November 30th. 103 0 0 342,894 90,000 510,711 Amount marketed 4,339,293 Add int'r stocks Excess (September 375,192 Amount In sight 4. 714,485 4,671 6-8 Increaao compared with IKSti 35,797 Increase 00m pared with 1885 3 2.475 Increaao oouiptred with lt-Kt Inorease compared with 188) GENEIIAL TRADE. BltKA IINTUFFN. C0RNM8AL Siandtrd.

pearl, 3 26 i3 .5: roller, $2 46, firm. HAY Choice, from store, 75c; car load from lovee or depot, $13 50; prime, from store, 70o; car load from levee or depot, ll2 50Cil praine, f.niii store, tOc; car load tin in lovee or dei.ot $8 J. CuRN rroin store, white, 48c: mixed, 47c. fr.iin lece or depot; white, in bulk, 44o; in sacks, 47c; mixed, in bulk, 42c; in sacks, 44 OATS From etore, white, 39o; mired, 38c; from levee or depot, while, in bulk, 34 So; in snoks, 36o; mixed, in In sucks, 33'o. FLOUR From store.

No, 3. $1 25ft3 50; funilv, $3 7.V! 85; ohoice, $444 25; fancy, l2vit4l); extra fancy, $4 50uj4 75; patontu, 2ua.5 50 Bit AN From store, 90c; from levee or depot, $1. CR ACKSRS-Soita. extra, 4c; ioda, tr. ble extra, 4V; extrt, 7e; ginger maps, extra, 5c; assoited jumbles, 10c- BKANS Navy, $1 751 85; medium, II 65 (9175.

KlCIS-Louisiana, Carolin 5,0 6Sc OATMBL In half-barrels, $2-33 25, from ''cRACKED WHEAT-Inhalf-baxreli, $1 25 from store HOMINY AND ORITS-From store, $39 3 25. KANSAS CITY, Jannary quiet No. 2 red, cash, 70o bid; March, 74o kid; May, Corn steady; Mo. 2, oash, 30H; lid; May, 330 bid. Oat, nominal, 27o bid i.

caih. KT. LOUIS. January 1. Flonr steady; XXX, $2 6032 7i; laraily.

ri 91 li choice. It 25 4 3 40; fancy, $3 60ilt 85; extra fancv, 7ne3 extra fanoy, 9i (94 15; patents, $4 6i(UH 70. Wheat dull and lower. Tie m.riot opened unsettled and generally eaeier, and later weakened considerably, but strengthened and elosed ty4 lower lhn yeiterday; No. 2rei, cash, 82Se: Unitary, 82So; February, May, closing at 87Ko bid.

Corn very dull and lower, cl osing VS'o under yesterday's flsures; No. 2 mixed, 3)Ho; January, 3'o arked; Febru ary, VJfl oia; aiaren, ooo ina; Mav. elosina at Oats dull, but about Ite dy; No. 2 mixed, cash, 2tn; Janua 27Ho bid; February, May.Slo. Rye firm at 53e bid.

Baney 111 I at oovoo. uaj active pricevi prairie, $8 310 50; timothy, $.314. Flavseed nomma ly firm at 95c. H-an firm at 68o. Cornmeal steady at tlHil 16.

Re-ooipts Flour, 10 JO trls: wheat, 13,000 bu; corn, 80 0110 outs, 11,000 bu; rye, 3000 bu: barley, 17,000 bu Shipments Flour, Koonhrla: wheat, nonet corn. 11.000 bn: oats. 6000 bu; rye,; barley, 3000 bu. CHICAGO. January 8 The cables were somewhat improved in tone today, but did not lend mueh strength to the rpening market.

All ibrouih the session more was Te-y liitle news to affeot tbe course of whe.t. Pi ioes remained closely around for Mav. hut aanerallv a shude a der 'hat fig' nre It was estim ited that thetmble sup. nlv would disclore an increase of fully W0, 000 bush ill. Toward the close there was moderate ealiiing, and the market closed at MV, the lowest point of the day.

Practically nothing was dot in eorn today, t-ade not being sufficient to bring about any appreciable flu tuatio The great bulk i orn sold is around but fell off Mo near the Cahh quotations aere as Flojr auiet w.nler patents. It 264 4 50; Southern winter, $1 90 44 10; Mich igau and Wisconsin winter, foot; cho ca to fancy Minnesota patents. $1 2li4 60; Minnesota, in barrels and eacVs, 81 1U93 rje nour, in rreis. 2 9i)o3 Hi; bu kwuent. per ii" :15 a.

2 a.irina wbent. No. 3 springwheat. 69a71K'i No. 2 rod.

No. 2 oor 3o(3nHo; No. 2 ont-, 26'4o: No. 2 rye. 63o: r's 2 birley, 5214('53o; No.

1 8 0131 prime timothy reed, 81 Kd 1 K4. ine leuing luiurus rnuus, lunnwii; Wheat, No. 2-Jununrv openel 78'4o, lowest 1H, closing at 76'a February opened at 78c, hinhest 78'(i4 l.we 78'4c clns.nir at 78c; March at 794o, highest 79H 79V. lowest 7K'4o, oloin May upenod at 8riSe. highest 85Ko.

wen 85Vao, clos nv at 85y Boo. rti. No. 2 January opened at 36c, hiirne" 3do, lowest 36V4(ir4o, closing a. 86'a 36io February opened at 36)4o, niguost iowe-t ooTufj-rao, nov-ing Merch opened at 37Hoi hmhest SV4, lowest 0 osingat36o; May opened at 42V, highest Ii.bmi 42c.

cloeina at 4214 Oat. No 2 Jannary, pened at 26'', Dig lOSV WTSU, v.w... Faoruiry opened at highest 2br), lowesi2iiSc. dosing at 2iV4e; irch opened at 27c, highest 27o, lowest 26-c, closing opened at 31Xc huhest 31Hc, lowe-t 31c, closing at 31o. rleoeipt, our, 14,000 brl; wheat.

54,000 bn oorn, 176.000 bu; oits, 117,000 bu; rye, 300) bu barley, 87,000 bu. t-h pmenH KioU', hrU: whe t. 12.000 bu: oorn, 29,000 bu; oats, 74,000 bu; rye, nones barley, bu. PKOVIMIWIVN. BU 1 IER But'erlno.

14 75o creamery. 31 dairy, 21(424o; country butler, 154 1100 Klrm: mess pora, siito (413; suiter cured hams, htfi alio; breakfast OiCOU, n74ioo, cior 1 iu wuuu shouldors, bu pork liues, b'40; clear rib ider, 6o; snouluen, luoa 1 in, i hal r. and I 11 "'I kegs, 7ot chnine kettle, 7o. KHrSnU MKA IO l.l'y neei, inrenaariprn, OT; UlUIUin.V'S"", UIIIU "vt 6c: hK. 6'4o; country as, MHVit POL'LTKY-Oniokens dull SI 75U ii; (11) IHUS, I St D11.

ks, S33 50: dres.ed chickens, I 7 rai 60 Der dolon dressed turkeys, 10 tl2a per pound. i n. II. 91 I I'-, mw.t v. relit, 81.

Kabhits, $1 per doien. Ducks, wild, 8250. Venison, whole, 536o; sad e.xo. 1 1 ii, u-1 factory, 7t7VC; full oreaui, l3'io; koung Ain'rioa. i4n PIGd It KT half barrels.

83 15. ST. LOUIS, Jannary mlet and easy. Pork lower, bt 812 37 '4 12 .50. Lard easy, at 86 2.

Bulk meats ibout iteedy; 1 o-e lots long e' ar, OA Til Itnw.H snort rtna. tj iai pum, -loti-long eljar, short ribs, $6 II; short -1 11 short ribs, 9'; sh ear, fl 12Xo7 2. Butter quiet; creamery, 24(iJ28o; dairy, 159 23o. Egs steady, at 24c. CHICAQ January d-Pork did L.

ant Ba ay ilf ft nrt II A UlUCU ID" ay vol our as b-mt quit weak. After tb ornln mt $li 35 Mar. the decline ww qu tetdf fttihlgur. Ca-h quot itiotiB wore a (ol- low ft: AlflKR on, HO lb. 50; ihort rib iiiKj lf-, cIUd fhoaldern, b.ied, tio VU: phort ft ettr udea.

bnid, stn. a 1 Kf ttork Janoary oiOfd at $11 9S. hinhejit 'yolrne (riS. hifrhmt 2uT! Inwnt i i.r i AnnJ Ill 1 PI), riO' II II )ai 1 "I' I'tjueiu ey.a. av I (DOR I 914 lUf li'W'v- IVf ajgi Iftf fiuuDea via.

OJ. D'lnr ID tn. 411 Q)1Z' -a. CA t.1 k. tt K.1 Inaiaal i7 OIil'lT t'Jl; rcumT.

"jiTinti a. rTi i f.a aV! Ill i rvl ii)Kt 47S: 'rrh opaed at rtO. bi(rh- a 1- I 1 a eaaJ -t; 7,1 clointii fb -rtrib rpaned t6, jfi-i-t 4 05, lowent clo-inn at $ri; FeTu ooene-i at 0 07. lowH-alolto o.oitnir at 05; rnh np' ned in i 1.1. i.

irTly 1 ai n'aTaoi au i- itwpi "i vi-- pRt d7S: Mity opened at hiirhe-t lovre-t $dt tr.e roauce Met. rime iuuaf 'on uunn n.xrkftt ru ti 'Mil, and quet; nramery. die; tiry, eWWJOe EsKKB ui uw rioiaa- rnrv VDlis, wo yellow clarified, 5e; lecunds, 64Sc; AfPMli SUNDAY, yelasd met laate tloa granulated, 6et powdered, "eJ'Het ut loaf, 747V A 1)1 ES-st cks, all sisee. In boxea, pails and barrels, 7H9Hc. COVFEE-O'tamnn, 13Swl4e: ordinary, 14Sc; prime Rio, choleo to fanoy 17c: old government, 24j25o.

80P-3n6He rer pound. SALT 81 20 per barrel; sacks, fine, 81 S3 sal 4o; coarse, 81 1041 15: pockets, bloaohed, ear loadi from loree or deiot, 6e OOOn, FTC Prices per dci-en; Pineapp 81 2Vil 60: peaches. 2-lb, standard, II 1MI 25; seoonds. 8kl 10; tomatoes, 2-lb, siandard, 9ilivt81; 3-lb, 81(9 1 15; strawberries, 81 Hi I 25: raspberries, 81 l'Wl 25: blackberries, 811 10; green (ages, 8' 60M KS; pea 82e2 25; plums, 1 tsl 70; asparagus, 82 6O0M; green corn, 8li41 35; are peas. 81 541 65; cove oysters, full weight, l-'b, oovoovsters, full weight, 1 lb, 81 75; cove oysters, light ight, 1-lb, 60c; cove oysters, light weight, 2 1b, fl 10; condensed milk Crown, 85 i 85; Eagle.

87 75: Swiss, 85 75. MOLASSEv-Lon siana, oommon to fair, lft25o; prime to choice, new, 4V' syrup, 2tK440c; common to fair, 2tK4.5o; tirine to opoioe, 2SCio; eentriiugal, fancy, 354400. NEW ORLEANS. Jannary fair Rio strong, lfSal5Sn! options k'ther and Isiny active. hles, O0.2I.0 ba.

January, 13.4iVial.l-.Vic: Febiuary, 13 4oe; March, 13.3'WH 40c: April, 13 3Oi13.40c; May, 13 30413 46c; June, 13.35.13 45c: July and August, 13.46c. Susar quiet andetaaoy; refined, nil and easy siandard, 5 5-lttw'i'e; granulated, 6 Molasses ateady. Kice steady. HOCSCIIVLD NDrrLIE. APPLES-Anplea, 8V43 75; dried arples, fle per pound from store.

Dried peaches, 7c from store. VE4KTaBI.ES Onions, 8275 u.l from store, Cabbago, crate, 82 50; per head, 8175 from levee or doptit per crate. Kraut, brie, $6.46 half brls, 8tJ3 25. Oarlio, 40ii 60c per 100. 50o per bushel.

FltUI Oranges, per barrel, $8. Lemons, $1 60i44 per box. Bananas, $1 50(42 (I per bunch. NliTS CocoanuU-86 per 100. Peanut Virginia, 6c 1 Tennessee, farmers' stock, 3(4 4c: ma ted, 2o higher; shelled, Almonds.

2io. Walnuts English, lSc; French, 15o. Filberts, 12Sc Pecan Texas, Braiil nuts, Chectnuls imported, I2S0 per pound. RAISINS London layers, layers, 82 75; California, 82 15; Imperial, PICKLES-In fare, pints, 8150; halfgal'ona. 82 75: gallons, $175: loose, barrels, 86 ta47; half-barrels, 83 754 4 25; mixod, barrels, 810 50; mixed, half barrels, 86 PnTTwES Norther stock, 81 85S 2 25.

CIDErt New korkoO per barrel and 83 50 nor ha f-barrel. FISH Macke-el, h'f-barrels. No. 1,8150 No 2. $'i; No 3.

$1 60; 10 lb kf, No. 1, 9tb; No. 2, 75c; 15-lb, No. Dry herrings, fnuuly, 25o per box. UAME-Oame VlNtaAH-104150 per gallon.

OTTUH MKAU rHVODCT. COTTON SEED In ear load lota: Prime crude cotton seed oil, new, 24 off crude cotton seed oil, 26(4 26e; prime summer yellow cotton seed oil, off summer yellow 001 ton seed oil, 32.5.H0: miners' mmmer yel ow cotton seed oil, 3irr6o; prime lutnmer white ootton leodoil, choice cooking yellow cotton seed oil, 37H'038c; prime cotton seed meal, 816; less than car lots, 817. Cotton leed delivered at depot or levee, 89 per ton: trom wagon at mills, 9 per ton. II III KM ANU TALLOW. niDBS-Dry flint.

No. 1. lfloi No 2, 12S drysalted, loWa)1); green salted. No. 1, 7(48Ve; No.

een, 5(460. Sheep skins, isotiXl. Deeiwax, ie. BKI3I1 AMIS rUKrl. SKINS AND FURS Deer skins.

78c: bear. 11 47c 1 mink. 16450oi coon, hunt er handled, 1547tc; country handled, l-KSt'Oc; otter, 50: bearer, 60C4 87; wild oat, 15t42So; 'ox. lrA75c; muk rat, luc; opossum, 10c; wolf, 50o(482; skunk. 150 90o; panthers, rowotcH.

POWDER Kegs, half kegs, 8175; quarter kegs, 81 50. AS KIWI. ITU AL SKBDS. iyt J. 1 DAAHO- pwoi ymr hvruoi i orchard eras'.

81 50441 60: herdsgrais. 82225. IsKCHN, FAINrst AND OILS. DRimS-Oulnine. P.

A cans. 65c; New York quinine, ot 65o 1 cans, 60c; quinine, tno; cans, tx moruhlne. ft tl 60 os. lot. vials, 82 35; New York morphine, Mjoa ,82 66 per os 1 01.

$235; cinohonidia, 1 oa. vials, 18c oa 5 oa. Oitris, Lie oa. gum opium, per pound, 8350; (lid ids potash, 8250 tier pound, inclusive: aubnilrate b'Smuih, 2 20 per pound, inclusive; ohloroform, 45o per pound: blue mass, 4vo per pound; oalo-mel. 75o oernouud: mercury.

70c nor pound: chloral htdrate, 81 50 per pound; camphor, 27o rer pouid: alcohol, barrels, per gallon, 82 22; castor oil, barrels, per gsllon, 81 42. PAT-i AND OIL-While lead. Collier's. 7Kc per mnl 5 0 pound leti, 7o ier pound, So off. 15 days; Southern whi'e lead, 7o per pound 600 pound lots, 7c, 2'yi off, 15 days: boiled linseed oil, 43n per gallon, by barrol raw, 4oe tun entine, 38a per gallon, by barrel.

irror Tj euor nivnBV waahed, 2.l430c; tub washed, SiktfOTc. tllJB, LKtl), sjuoT. N4IL-10, iron, 82 40; steel, 82 55. LE 6c. cliOT-Drop, $1 65; buck, 81 90.

MIKKKT. CO OIL Prime white, wholesale lota, 9N'4l0o pergillon. CLKVKL4ND. 0.. January 8.

Petro leum quiot; a. t-T. I.OIIH. January 8. Wool dnl': No.

2 medium. coarse braid, 16(4 21e; low sandy. 13(4190 1 fina light, 28o; heavy, 14(210; tVHINKT, WINK8, Ll4)IIOIW, ET4I. WHI-ik Kentuckv Bonrbon. $15045; redistilled goods from 90o to 81 50, according to prooi rye, 11 10130.

CI1ICAU0. January 81 18. ST. I.0UI8. January firm, 81 13.

CINCINNATI. Januirv 8. Whisky steadv; sales of 903 barrels ot finished goods on a basis of 11 13. HAHUINW AMU TIES, ETC. n.o.iruu c.i.j l.i.

Ik. DAHiII.1V wuw, lbs, 7o. Flax, 1 lbs, 4i- 111C3 11 0031 10. I.I VIC HIIMIK. CORN FED CATTLE Choice to extra.

4(9 good, SMo HitASS ('AlTLE-Cholce, gcod, 2V43o; lair to uiodmui, 'Wic; acallawaga, 1(4, o. 110(1 Cho'ce, goon.atvi Sll EEP Choice, medium, 3Ho. 1 Januarys. The Ororwe youraul tep.iru: Cattle receipts, 2000 head; shipiuentx, haj need; tnsmei s'eity; sh it steers, 83 t0u5; stockera and feeders. 82 '3 70- cows, bulls and mixed, fl50i3 2'; ulk.

$2 3Ku2 8-i: Tcxhs cattle, t2'(4325 lloirs receipts, 14,000 head; ship-metite, 9KX) brad; market slow and 10c I rough an I mixed, (4(o4 60; packing and ehu Vina. 84 6X44 90; light, $1 804 4 skips, $2 80170. Sheep receipts. 1000 heid; market st-adr; natives. mil Western, 82 80.11; Xexans, 82(43 90; lambr, 4'45 25.

KANSAS CfTY. Jannary 8 -The SI lt ldintam rennrta: Ca't'e re- e. ip'S, htad: ahipmer ts, none. sh*tiplng grides weak and a sliide lower: 0 wee'eady; goel tt ennice, 81 1044 50; com mo to medium, 83 5 4 30; Blocker, 8I50S 80; fei d- li a errs, 11 rwu m. Uogs rec pts, 7.KM need; snipmeuis ow A M.rkMlw,k and 10c lower rod ti choi -e, 81 50144 65; common to nedinm 84 26 (o4 4.

Sbeep receipt', "i22 bead; none; market firm: go to choioe, $3(43 60; common to medium, 82(43 90. EWTIIHK ISBtT WOOIM MABKBT. MtJUrVADtf Urilk va? awnlrl IW 1 rt 1 aFlHUrary liu weiner preTaiiina ion -inaiiii wm hpm UUI Vi naiaraay oui ibo miifinin goodi la in proportion in the txteutioD of oriiere Trioee re ry firm. KENDIG CO. AND- Bond Brokers.

Daa'ara la Stocks. Bonds end other securi ties. Buy and sell lor cash or on piarg n. K'xm KxchMitfrfi IftiMdlnv. llivideiul loo.

Orritta or Phoux Ftae id Mattai IvscaeNca Cuaraav. Mexphia, January 3, 1887. A a meeting of the Hoar I it Direct" ya of th oiri in. re. he'd ibis dav, a tll fIwm eipr res8 was de elared out of the no' minus of the past six months, payable on ti.

M. NEiiLY, rro.Ideat. J0U5 Bearalery. JANUARY 0, gL887. RIVERS AM STEAE0AT8 miM LEA TINS MONDAY.

Adami, 5 p.aa. Jawaa Laa.l p.aa. Osceola p.m. Tiptonvllle. 5 p.aa.

TUESDAY. Cincinnati 5 p.m. BJOTEHKHTd AT THK LEV KB. A rri'ros. Helena, New Orleani; Thea.

herlork. New Orleans. Dtpartunt Thoa. Sherlock, Cineii nili; City ot Cairo, Vicksbutg. BOATS LAID TP.

R. Powell, Granite State, Reae Mas-rasdy, JowsCeters, Uayoio, Ja. Lee, R. L. Cobb, Mck Clyde, ii.

F. Frisbie, Sentinel, K. A. Speed, I. W.

Cole, bneuirer, Chesapeake, Ed Foster, J. Macomb, Chickasaw, Helena. UENatetAL HEWS. Clocot nd Miik weather. BuaiNii) very dull.

The Buckeye State bu laid np at Cairo. All tbe local packeli may leave tomorrow. The Jamet Lie mav leavsi lomonoir evening for Helena and Friars Point. Thi Ark annua, White aud St. Francis rivers are still Iroaen.

Navigation i8 npflririid on the Ohio river from Pittsburg to Cairo. A 1, TnoMAB, bill cletknf tlie Helena, left last night by rail for Owemaoro, hii hom*o. DBiN(i trie twentv-four honr ending at noon yeitordiy, I lie river here fell 8 inches. Tim ic in the Mi'gisalppi at Greenfield's Ferry ia very thick and teams ara crossing on it. Tua H'sne Msnrealy and thn Kd Foster were towed up to a point abore tho mouth el Wolf river yosteidiy.

The Coahoma elion'd arrivo today from Fnurs Point and she may leava imer-row evening fur Csce ila or Friars Point. Tub Uavo'o camn np t) the) wharf yentorUv. discharged cargo and Hen went back to West Memphis aLii laid up. Tiikbs whs little ice in the river yf a-tenlay, and navigation from this port senth will in all probability bo fully resumed today. Henrv 8eaman, the his htarled and erciminodating second clerk of tho Helena, will r.

main here until bia boat starts out again. The Granite Rtnte was at Ilia landing yesterday taking on rall-oad Iron, hha is announced to leave hero Tuesday fur Cincinnati. The repaint to lhe Oheaipeake are progressing, and If completed in time she will probably leava tomorrow evening for Tiptonvillo. The City o( 01 rn left laet night for Vicksburg with 40) tons of n. l-rollaneous Irelnht.

30. head of atoek, 100 deck passengers. Capt. W. C.

IIardwick, the corn king, has a number el boats loaded and lying in a safe burbnr inOreen river, awaiting the ice to run out ao they may be aeut South. The b't Helena arrivfd yeaterdav morning from New Orleans and put off ",28 sscks 01 cotton seed, 84 ba'es of cotton, 26 ban els of molasses and 25 hogsheads ol sugar. After discharging ter cargo the went up to tbe eompreis and laid up. The KUe Adam. Ca Mark Cheek, Is the regular United States mall packet leavinv tomorrow evening lor Helena.

Terrene, Concordia, Arkansas City and all way landings. Messra. Will am Blanker, Lun Hudson and Morria Oana ara her clerks. The Arehnr Line apnoinlmnntn for this ye-r are: Cant. U.

0. Bixby goes on the City of Baton Rouge; C'pt R. J. Whitledge will command lhe City of Vieksburg, taking the place of Capt. Dan Able, whe goes on the Will 8.

Have. Capt. A. J. Carter eotnmmd lhe City of New Or eans, Capt, U. Thompson the Annie P. Silver, and Capt. James O'Neal the City of St. Louis. The Thnmtia Hherlork, from New Orleani.

arrived at 1 o'elnrk yesterday evening and let', at 9 e'olock last night for Cincinnati with 6(0 tons ot freight. Including 5110 bales of tton which she got atllrren-wills and Vicksburg She put off at the Ele-vntor 12nogshesds and 26 barrels ol 400 empty hog heads and 15 psekanes (it sundries The Sherlock will probably lay apat Cairo. A Cairo epeclal ay: The John Oi more will leave tonight for New Orleani with three batges loaded and and one empty. The latter she will leave at Belmont and will leave the loaded barges Ihe-o. Sbe baa 401 tons Cairo in her tow.

Capt. Herman Hill finished removing cotton from the burned valley barge today. The trans-ler boats continue to make their trip between Cairo and Bird's Point, having no t'ounle to keep up onintnunio ition. Large quantities of i 10 aie running out of th Ohio river today at a rapid rut, and covir more surfire than yesteruay. It areins to be gradually breaking up.

It Is predicted, however, that eh aid this second cold spei continue a lew days, the Ohio river will ha olosed to St amlioat traffic, and Cairo will belempora- ..1. k. k.o1 nivioitini. CxBt. Jo.

W. kin. and W. W. Corey, of the Valley Lino, also Capt.

lbomaa Shields, the An-cnor Lino, returned from St. Louis thia morning. BITEK1 Areas WEATHER. Orrina Sional Slaving, U. S.

Aliuruia, January 8, 1 p.m. The followlnirorieerv-aMon are taken at all stations nsmed at 75 meridian time, which ia one honr later than Memphis time: Ab Low Water. Changes. BTATIOMg. R'eelFall Feet lot's lOi'a lOt'a Cairo 7 6 17 Chat'anooaa rinninni Davenport l)ubuque Fort Smith Helena Keokuk ei.

rt.naaa Leavenworth Little l.oulsnl M.iiinrila Nashville New Orleani Omaha Pittsburg St. Louis St. Paul Shreveport If rnian. fl InUI tWt I "uumy n. inuu Dl 1 1 1 a.n tVia aviaaugearifl llal aH.

v-k ilfnti nimtl TI A HTne ary. Weather olear and pie innVVI rUfl UT VI lavnase i Vnan 1 1 Ta IV 1J I iv a ig uses w. 1 RiTef 6 leet 8 tnch- on ther-tuge and all- in v. ntft'oir Qivuuj uiviue nvtvrirall A T4 I Uaaa ULlMiiAlli Vf tiROum; R'it- 17 feet 1 ioch on the iaue and fullipf. .1....

4.. ') TTflltVUttr CIIIUJ tllVI lUUIalvnji mm KVANVILIsK. ID Jmanr Hiver 15 leet 0 inehei on the gauire and rie-Inff. Weather cloud ti tberuiotueter lttJ. Uo boat murine So bull ei on river.

n.wni Tiff XI IM Ufl 1 n'Jt Julio sinnuiiry a. iiu-ru i in 8 incheion theiuge and falllnt. Weather rlott l- and oolu. Arrived: Ob to, Mem- a a. J.

fL. aii.i.n.a; IA pnii( i a.m. ieiar.u vmu, viuoiuum.ii a a in. a AftlOIMf TJt XTAcn River 8 f. eti.

inr-be In tbe canal and feet 1 men on uie iaiM nu lauinii. cloady and colder, with Indiratiuni of mow. 1 .1 JJUI Btai luiptDUfa on tut wnmi, W. H. KM.

N. TOOT. S. C.T00F CO l'ltlNTKUS, LITHOGRAPHERS -AND- Blank Book Makers 276 Second Street. WEDD1SU CARDS.

PARTY 1MTITATI6XS. I'll-eat Olnasei Work, Prleea aa low aa Anew here lei the aorln or Kaat. ARTII'O tUL LkMK. Mi Slgth Washington. It.

0. Provides practically asetnl business education. No lerma nor vacations. Studenta enter at any time. i Life scholarship, tit.

Twelve weeki' CoBite. Board, bead tot inula. BTxUtfBOATS. FOR LOUISVILLE A CINCINNATI eaaashla sisiel ftsielsisaatl rawkea 4)0). For Cairo.

LcalsvllleeadClaelanati Utr. Ormilte nlato. A.J. Lindsay I Dan Marts clerk Will leave ICESDAI, Jaa. 11th.

at P.m. For freight or passage apply to C. B. RUS-SKLL, 6. f.

andT. fl Madioa Tekpbore 227. Jowa Osae. Pese'r KOK BT.

KKANCH RIVKit. 4l.rrassele Hlveu IrasiMrllaoai aw. The elegant steamer Rene Macready, O. K.Jon'in master. Leaves Memphis BVEbVY TUESDAY and SATURDAY at 1 p.m..

lor Marianne aad way leadings as far as the Cat-Off. The captain reserves tbe right to pass all landings be deems unsafe Telephone 69. JAS. LKB, Sup't, Office, No. 4 MadUon street.

FOR TIPTON VILLK. For Oseeole, Hales Point, Carothersvllle, Oayoao and Tiptonvillo The new aide-wheel passenger steamer CHESAPEAKE, P. Hall master. I J. D.

Fuller ol.rk Will leave as above, aad all way point, EVERY MONDAY and THURSDAY at p.m. For troleht or passage apply ow board. LEE LINE. Heiaslla, rlare Folate anil safiuiem anal Oeewola Paekrl Clotnpany. ForUelena, tilendale, Frlarg Point and ai Way Landings Steamer eJmiieH, r.flLZ E.

T. CLAOGETT Master. Will leave asaboveon EVERY MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and 8R1PAY at 6 o'clock. For Randolph, Fnlton, Hsoeoln an Way Lndlns Steamer Conliouin.

021! J. H. COOPER Master. Leaves Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 6 p.m. The boats of thi line reserve the right to pass all landing! the captain may deem unsafe.

Uffloe, No. I .1.4 -t l.KK, Ja Stir't Momuhla and VloltHnnric Packet torn Vony 11.8. Mail Line. For Helena, Concordia. Terrene and Arkansas Cltv-The elegant passenger ateamef KATE ADAMS.

M. R. I W. C. leaves Memphis MONDAY ANi TUIIRSUAY AT P.M.

For Concordia and all way landinga. The Steamer OAYONO, A. L. Curpmlns. Mast'r I Lew Price.

ork Leavea 11JKDAY and SATORDAi at 6 For general inlormatioa apply at No. 4 Madison street, a. tVAbWUBltl. lOrtN a.etit Telanhcea 8, MeniDliisA: White Hiver 1'kUU for tTlarwadosa, Devaila HloM uas Are, Augusta. Searoy.

Newport, Jackaoa-port, Bateaville and all Way Landinga, Ml. CU1CHASAW, pJC ft. 0. Postal 1 WU1 leave EVERY WltDN ESDAY at p.m. 8tr.

ALBERTA NO. 3.rKZ All a II S3 I a k. eaajEeBaaajWsaaaaeBaaa, A I nir 0. Will leava EVERY BAIURDAY at p.m. Through ratea given to all paints.

Freight oonalgned to the Meirphle and White River Pocket at Memphis or Terrene, will ba forwarded promptly, gor general iniorase-tion apply at offlce, No. 1 Madison or Tall Telephone 'a. n. u. none, ar "To the VICTOR th LAUREL" Pf-4minnt In every Mgher tsttall ty.

the HANAN SHOE hM bvcotne 1K icof nutd iiandird toi 1me emoivg dmtimmmtng gajntkmtn. A lrTan with limine and ronarltwioe will drop (wily pmljndirr rnrrlnuily pkked up wlirn tt til kuiN kttuI lr lUntr. Surbair invitrd try onf pair vi Hitemr" htr. a kniw lhe rmiilt rvrry nwn who want ihr beat and c*nt art it lr in the taatkcl will btiunit a poipcl-Bal Itauau" uutn. Koch's Fat.

Store Nil r.LVIl4j laadjuatabla to meet any need or business. Ills oneeper men oia sivie. van be pot up by any one. tlssaeieialael tar Ml aau aawtfai anvnn, amirvss K4M1II A. II.

Mlrav, a. aaaiaj pkohia. 11.1.. ar. Iminnns Lnnle.Wo AndStillTheyCome FINE HANI)- WED CALF SKIN SHOES FOB KHrLEMEH.

Pair Warranted OBLT tSOO A FA IB, AT TUB CUHAP 0A8U niioi; IIOUWE, 4Q Wain Haroei, rrfomphla. J. G. SCHMIDT SON t.a Importara and deelere la naio. AmmB.

altlon and A'labfwic TsMihle, Kalldeta aaMiBra. rieelrle Hrlla and Aa- euaelalera lor Hotels end rUsidenoes.aef Main atrial, sVemsslila, Tenn. Kleotrlf supplies always oa hand. naatlr dona. W1 OFFER FOR SALS on favorable a laraa nlaatetlon In Bolivar county, Mse Improved with new poet, plank and wire fenoea.

Twentv-nve no" onwon gl" eawmii, iiiii u--' 1.0,000 feet of lumber ia stacks, 60 000 new cypress boards all ready to eonstroot more buildings. A good storehoaae and excellent stand lor a mercantile business. Thi; plantation la improved with a view lo subdivision. I will sell all or a part, aeoordlng to wao'a of purchasers. Plenty of labor Negro tenants applied and are da ly applying to rent at U.

For full particulars THOH. if. ALLKN A OO. EAGLE Boiler Works. rJDEA MCCARTHY, Propr'-, 140, 142, 144 Front, Memphis.

ONE orTflR LARGEST BOILER BH0PS la the South, and 'be only complete Boiler and Sheet-Iron Works In the city H.iu,ia,.H mmvv Plate I re, worst of every etewerlniiaa. Special rtvet. to plantation wore ran A HE WORM Removed All. In frost A. an mlniita.

an 9 with head com plete, or no charge. No Pasting required I A mailiclnaa. Can 'na taken with aae by child or adult. Cull or send lor oir- ivd vbvaurtlii i.t bprioiaeid, mo, 32 ifi. JH0.


A. JOBB80H, REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Aad Agents for the Parebase, Sale or Leaaa of Leads, TUSCDMBIA SHEFFIELD, ALAPtAW A. aarBpeelal attenttoa given te tbe eiamlca-tioa ol titlee. sar Landa advertlaed and placed apoa tha marset.

free of charge, anlera a salai. aaade. You Can Iluy THE FINEST And Best Aa wall aa lhe aaael aaketaallal BOOTS; SHOES AND Rubber Footwear AT LOWEST PRICES ADLER'S 2G1 Main St. SEEDS ANDPH0MCE 308 Front St. JMvlilcml Notice.

AT a meeting of the Hoard of r.otere of the Bluff O.ty lnsurauee Cnnpany, held thia, tho Sd day or January, 1FAI, a IMvi-lMel al lve per cesil. waa deolared, payable oa demand. W. H. MOMRR.

Secretary. MIVIUASM AOTItli. OyrioaoyMaarntaOiTr Fia A Immi) Ikh, No. 19 Maaiana Bveae-r. Memphis, La ember HI, 1M.

ajisrAt a meeting ol tbe Board of Directors held thia day, a oanh dividend of riveirt) per eem. waa deol-rel, payable on demand. By order of the leard ot Directera. NAPOLHON llll.L. Pres dent.

Attest: Hanay J. Lygg, Cashier. Orrioa 'or or tub Biuae or iiiaeiviog,) No. 90 Nnara Coiiut Svaeav. Memphis, January 6, lw-7.

for tha t.urebaee ol the eld aehool- Tjipa tiAusa nn lha eorn. Ot Reel and Fiurih atreets, hetsea, will be received at this omoo no te 4 p.m. Monday rest. A. U.

nil. neereiery. UERMAN BANK OK MKMP'lH, 'MP'lerl, I inaHriliB, i nnirr mn I T'll Board ha. ihls day deolaied a dmil ofaeyra and one fealrT)w par neal, out nt the oiralnga ol the last sit months, p-yab'o on niMad. KDW.

ttOLi'SMIT'l. Cashier. Ti lvldancl Notloa, Orrica of Pi.sargHu' F. A M. Ina.

Ce.r Memphis, Janna-v 4, 'M. I AT a meeting of the llvaril of I rectors ol the Planiora' Kite aid Marine Inaar-anc- Company, held this ilav. a lnvldensl I I'lva ter p.yiib on demand, wasd-olerad. J. li.


Ili niikM. Prealdor t. Lwu. Oiildsuith, VI President. Jane NiTuie, Cashier, DEPOSITORS NOTICE.

0a 1 t'M'T at the rata of per oent. per annum bat been declared by the Hoard of Trustees on allanoounti entitle I thereto, arable on demand alter December Slat, ntereat not drawn will be credited 'o the depositors' acoount, same a new deposit. I.lnall made prior to Janaaery alk, will draw Interest from Jiinr lei. JAMKS NATHAN. Cashier MUUCHAlaJT TAILOIC, VleaalBK, Dy elna At Repairing, No.

IT W. Cocay BTaaar. Oaortiei 0. Wlohol. Ubrbur Bang or Maaraia, Memphis, i'ereinher It), 1HM.

THE the stockholders oi thia bank ara hereby notlSed that the ennual election lor Direotora to aerve lhe ensuing year will bo he'd at the bank oa TU KBDAY, January II, 1HD7, botween the hours of II) a.m. end! Farmers Planters Notice. COLOBEtl BOB IN FA HI LI EM. A LL OKNTJINB COUNTRY IIAND3 Xl ami i wm short notice, at a Low He's of Transporta tion, ror run -r''-" 11. A. I'oa w. aaanssNlt) TKMfl mlS4. HOLDERS of the above bonds will present ihelr eoupon. to First National Bank for payment, on the loth in'Unt Holders ol the following numbers will pro- rent bonds, with ooutmns attacnea, to tee Secretary, Bun lor paruieni Si iw, 36 wi I'M.

ml srt. in' int. QT, rl WJ 7l II fm. X. 3fid.

866, S5t)'. order ol the Hoard ol Direotora. 11AV1U r. ia wiwni. ELKCriOX Or Varna Ago PLAKTneg Baaa or MaiirBiB.l Memphis, December 6, lo.

I QTOCK HOLDERS are hereby notljeil tha A i xi 11 1.1 at lb. i a Hunk Aft the beoond Mondy in January, KT, Irom 10 a.m. unitl vo onw yuwwn ierT the niuini year n. To DDtl'l vBven sws CHANCERY SALE OF HE A 1. ENTATJv, No.

4SAJ, Court of Bhelbv ry nr T.nn,H,s va. Ellaabetb. V. 11 II I w. Klna.ton et al.

BY virtue of an Interlocutory decree sale entered In the above eaoae oa ha 26th dej of M.y, 1.HD4. M. B. 4J. pas I will cell aublio auction, te the highest bidder.

In front the Clerk and Master a office, at the Main street entrance et tha courthouse oi Bholby oounty. Mompbia, wa Nalarday, Jaaaary aw, im, within legal houra. the following deeertbecj .1, In M. SholkV soil," oounty, to-wlli One lot begii nia at a ilake at the on ol the ei.t -i I. street wilb.

the south aide of Bron avenue now Foete-toa street), end running wos w-rdiy wita the sou" side ol P-nto. a IT; iaeil ata i eou iwf IT" De o'o airoet 6 I et to thence weev piralle with B'ewn aveoua rPonto'iio streoOlTu fee. to Desote thence with the eaat aide ol Dea-to aut to the beilnnlng. n.tha. Terms ol Sale-On a ere I no'e bearing interest, t1! courtly, retained! red.mpt.oa barred..

Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.