i XriIITFIEt.I3'aitCiElYJFbllKIIEtT- division-of In ii Thos. H. McClHerj Teller; Tnos. J. Clk.
10 -M fI 1 fcr TOtTOiKB; COTJOTYt GOVERNMENT. pleasure in saying to you, ana wide world, that your remedy for Rhe waatTAiay ft Hons Re-Ut- kW; Hi'nriHsrtTii frttm the Com- UUt UUtlt United t-he fttock tne 3- canal nd tbe same are leaedaad eurrfindered to the-said Committee i trarided however, iTha this surrender if ynade U. Wntnflte' tnptwif be inftlfea to th prosecntion and c6mpIeUon of the'Wk2, eommenced by the said Compny cto nnon condition uiauuo unnwuo I nT oXiriTilohnn I connect the Southern termination ot tnesaia canai witU rasquotank river below the rack And yijuw-u Buauf uy be thereafter subject to any contqDution or ex-1 peose fat- the- said work, or for repairing tor ex-1 tending the said, work, or for repairing or extend tj nfflthci said canaL or for any: other object result ing from its' interests as'one oi the joint, proprie-torsof fbe same I i -Tn; connection with 'this bill, communication wai'subpiitted from an bnicial source, showing that the stock of the' United States itf the. canal is 00 rained at $200,000 upon which, in the last 12 it has received divi- TliE Bno snow storm of Saturday, Placer (California) Press, appears to have been extended and heavy. It fell on the Sierras to' the depth of about jthree feet, gradually as the- storm cloud extended towards the i Pacific.
In the upper" portion ot our couniy (which, by the by, extends to the the now fell unusually deen. At Iowa Hill, about ond foot at lankee Jim s. three incnes at in 9bt)iran Clltv a font -find ovor and at Dutch TI.1S-J TWav kill. kolnw Anhiirn fAtvmtw" 9 WHom-uur inga sight seldom Of course the people 01 irremae are enjoying a iev uajsuriuwiw- CClIeni Sleighing; nCFFiAXLY' Assault upon Hon. L.
D. vAMF' I BBlXWe are pained to 'learn that Mr. Camp- There i a severe wound on the back of his head, the skull being broken in, and the blow is sup posed to have been given with a slung shot. Mr. CJis'in very critical condition at intervals he converses but most of the time his mind wanders, A printer from Dayton, so says our informant, has been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the assault upon Mr.
Camp bqiL Dayton Journal, bth mst. lrfk CASES BOOTS iind SHOES, assorted, just JrOVf received and for sale by Nov: 6 J. M. P. HARRISON.
I NOUTII CAROLINA VU'XJ VE 11 SLTY A A I The eiglitn olume ot this College Monthly commenced with the August The Editors will need-with, tue August me manors win na pains to make it, while under their charge, rthy ot support and Patroiiage. lacu number shall consist of about fifty pages of spare a woaih Ee original and choice matter. In the editorial ot each number will be found, besides other articles, a monthly record of College and such other events, as mav be deemed Suitable. This Magazine wentirely devoted to the cultivation of North Caroling Literature, and should have the support of every Carolinian. A liberal subscription w.much desu-ep, as, by it the Editors will be enabled lo mate several necessary improvements.
annuui, in liiueral re dactions made to Clubs. Address, EDITORS UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, Chapel Hill, N. C. JriODEl'S LADY'S HOOK, of Literature, XA rs.ngrnvinj:s, and J) ash ion. Une hundred pages of reading every month, with every new Fashion as itr appears colored and others.
Ladies work: of all and contributions fvom all the celebrated au- tttorsmthe States: Terms, cash in advance. One copy one year, $3. Two copies one year, $5. Three copies one year, 46. Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the per son sending the club, making six copies, 10, Eight copies one year, aud an extra copy to the person sending the club, making nine, copies, $15.
Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making twelve copies, $id. Go- bell was sjxuck by some rntnan, ana senousiy, ii nlftallv inliiredwbile on his wav from his of- ciiUnrfl in Hamilton. Tnesdav nifrht. is I doubt the only remedy that can be JJiseauml Lfay'JL nursday of each tccex, TARJIERS. BANK, XLiZABKTB CITY, Robinson White President.
W4 W. GriflRn, Cashier, Branch at Greensboro Caldwell, Cashier. BAXK OF CHARtOTTE 1 John J. Pres. Casliier W.
A. Williams, Teller BANK OF WlLMlIfGTON. John McRae, President. S. Jewett, Cashier.
m. Li. buutn, Teller. W. Lark ins, Book-keeper: 4 i i.
ljippitt, luierK. COMMERCIAL5 BASK WILWISGTOS G. Parsley, President. Timothy Savage, Cashier. John McRae, Teller.
Aa H. Walker, Clerk. BANK OF FAYKTTEV1LI.E. John D. Starr, President; G.
Broadfoot, Cashier. Wm. G. Matthews. Teller.
Wm. A. Rose, Clerk. Alexander McPherson, Book-keeper. BANK OF CLARESDON, FATETTEV1I.LE.
John D. Williams, Pres. John W. Sanford, Cashier. Wm.
Warden, Teller. James McGilvary, Clerk. EANK OF YANCEY i'lLLE. Thos. D.
Johnston, Pres. Jos. J. Lawson, Cashier. BASK OF WAl)KSBORO R.
Leak, President. II. B. LITERARY BOARD. The Board of Literature of North Carolina is composed as follows His Excellency, Thomas Bragg President, ex ojficio; Matthew Shaw, of Beaufort, and Altred Junes and W.
W. lloldeu, of Wake County. Pulaski Cowper, Secretary. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT BOARD. The lntcraal Iniproveinent Board is composed as follows -His Excellency, Thomas Braggy President, e.r ofl-'cio N.
E. Canaduy, of Granville, and John U. Kii kland of Orange. Pula.ski Cowper, Secretary. TIME OF HOLDING THE COURTS.
UNITED ST AT KS C()IKTS, OFFICERS, The United States' Circuit Court for the District of North Carolina, is held semi-aiinualiy at Raleigh, on the 1st Monday tn June and last MoWay in Novem ber. Judge." -Hon. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia, and Hon.
Asa Biggs, of North Carolina. Rob't P. Dick, District Attorney Edward ('ant well, Clerk Wesley Jones, Marshal." Thomas W. Brown, of Wilmington, U. S.
Commissioner. Tilt. TT7i'tjAil nfi'M C.nirln nra lisll iit Edenton 3d Monday in April M. Jones, Cik. Newbern 4th 44 J.
Ga'duer Clk 'Wilmington, 1st Mondav the 4th Monday in April and October. John L. Cant well, Clerk. fl-pm-Mv i The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh, semi-annually, on the second Monday in June, and the 3 tii day of December. It is also held once a year at Burke County, on the'lst Monday in Antist.
The officers are as follows: Frederick Nash, of Oran'gc, Clef Justice. Richmond M. Pearson, 'of Surry, Judge. William II. Cuttle, of Orange, Judge salary ot each, per annum.
A. Jenkins, of Warren, Attorney General. Hamilton O. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter. Ivimun Ii.
Freeman, of Wake, Clerk. Oliver H. Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clnk. James Lite; lord, of Wake, Marshal. SI -PEIIIOR co*ckTS, AC.
The Superior Courts arc held in seven Ci rcuits, by the following officers Judges. Matthias E. Manly, of Craven, John M. Dick, of Gu-ilford, David F. Caldwell, of Rowan, John L.
Bailey, of Orange, Romulus M. Saunders, of Wake, Jesse G. Shepherd, of Cumberland, Robert! 11. Heath, of Chowan. Solicitors.
Elias C. Hines, of Edenton, rides the 1st circuit. George S. Stevenson, of Craven, rides the 2 1 circuit. Wm." A.
Jenkins, Attorney General, rides 3rd circuit Tho's Ruffin, of Rockingham, rides the 4th circuit. Rob't Strange, of New Hanover, rides the 5th circuit. William Lander, of Lincoln, rides the 6th circuit. Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, rides the 7th circuit. The Second Circuit in ax follows Duplin, 4th Monday in March and September.
Wayne, 1st alter 4th Monday Jlareu bept. it ii ii ii Greene, lA'noir, Craven, Onslow, 2nd 3rd 4th 6th 7th Carteret, Beaufort, 8th 44 Hyde, 9th' 44 44 44 Wilton, 10th 4 4 44 Jones, Wednesday next after the Lih Monday after the 4th Monday in March and September. COUNTY COURT. The Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Craven County, is held at the court house in Newbern, on the second Monday in March, June, Sept amber" and December. 1 PUBLIC WORKS IN NORTH CAROLINA.
The Branch Mint of the United States is located at Charlutte, in Mecklenburg county in this State. This establishment was-' authorized by Act of Con- trress, passed 3rd- of March 1835. Tiie officers are as follows Green W. Caldwell, Sup't and 'A'etinjr Treasi John H. (jribbons, Assaver, JVLeiter uud Kelmer.
Einmor Graham, Chief Coiner. William F. Strange, Clerk. The University of North Carolina, is situated at Chapel Hill in the County of Orange, twentv-eight mfles W. N.
W. from. Raleigh. The North Institution for the Education of the Deaf aiid Dumb and of the Blind, is located at Raleigh William D. Cooke, Principal.
lhe i brtincations are: Fort xMacon, Beaufort Harbor, Carteret County Fort Caswell, Smith ville, Brunswick Count'. Ijinted States Arsenal is located at bayette- ville. Mai. T. T.
S. Laidlev, Commandant. Insane Asvlum of North Carolina, situate! in the vicinity of Raleigh, will contain 250 patients. All indigent insane persons entitled to be received and treated, and taken care of it the public charge Paying patients are also received from this and other States. For proper form to be observed in sending indigent insane to Asylum, see RevisetCode, chapter on Asylums.
The following are officers Dr." E. C. Fisher, Superintendent Dr. F. T.
Fuller, Assistant Physician. Mr. R. K. Ferrel, Steward.
Miss Minerva T. Mendenhall, Matron, Dr. Charles E. ohnson, Kemp P. Uattle, William V.
Holden, Edward Cantwell. A. M. Lewi. Directors Dr.
W.J. Blow, John A. Taylor, E. J. Erwin, Dr.
Columbus Mills, Dr. C. E. Johnson, President of tiie Board. "William E.
Anderson, Treasurer. Wmiam W. Holden, Edward Cantwell, Executive Com. Kemp P. Battle, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 1858. The 18tb Presidential Term of lour years, since the establishment of the Government of the United States under the Constitution, began on the 4th of March, 1857, and will expire on the 4th of 3Iarchf 1861.. SALARY James Buchanan, of Pa, President- C. Breckenridge, of Ky Vice-President 8,000 The Cabinet, Lewis Cass of Mich.
Secretary of Howell Cobb, of Secretary of Treasury. 8,000 J. B. Floyd, of Secretary of 8,000 Isaac Toncey, of Secretary of 8,000 Jacob Thompson, of Secy of Interior. 8,000 A.
V. Brown, of Post Master General. 8,000 J. S. lack, of Attorney General 8,000 The Congress of the United States cousustji of a Senate and House of Repretentativea, and must as-semble at least once every year, on the firet Monday in Deeemberj and alw at the call of the President byproclamation.
Senate is composed of two members from each. State; which are chosen by.tbeT Legislatures of the several States', for, the term of six years, pnei third of them being elected biennially. Th of the United States' is the President of the Senate, to w-bicli body he baa only a en tt is rote, which -is1 jiven-in cc of ca equal of in i I I I 1 I i i I I NATURE JIAS PROVIDED A RE3IED Y-JTOJt It -consists ih'a'simple-iJeVocrioro from -ait "herb wh5ch grow in sufficient- quantities for general -nse Iiarmless' -and "sate and -when taken in-proper dose's pVoduces a peculiar and powerful sweat, which Nature Vspeciflc Remedy for Rheumatism. I When-'Rhenmatism is not complicated with 'other diseases, and when the-patieutbas ordinary-strength diseases, and whet c0n5tittitio'nl th inflammatory Rhe ins jieiueur, ynu spceaitjf reuiuve eumatism however violent the at- jtackj'and'Jt wilt not less though' more aimv intra nil Af fHirmii "RhlHTnA.tffcrn 'flint "-rr. are cnrame at an.
Ana even wnen ov reasow 01 ArA -nrflm at. all. Anu -ace, or, weakness ox constitntion.or other causes, the sufferer may not oe entirely curea, tnis Kemeaywiu ftfford relier and alleviation; Being unable to attend personally upon all who apply to me fur relief, I have AntrnoWl in the tirenaration of this Remedv insuch a form that it may be safely and successfully used by any one who deaires to test its emcacy. It is put up at $2 per bottle. From tiro to four bottlesTwilt cure any ordinary case of Rheuinati.m obstinate attacks, of lontr standmir.
will reauire more, to enect a com plete cur. 1 could present scorex ot certificates, irom persons wellTtnown In the middle counties of North Caroli: na, demoiiistrating this 'to be Nature's Great Specific Remedy for Rhevmathm. liutl.deem if eumcient to give a few extracts, from the number of certificates in my possession, Springkope, Xafik County, iV. 7 September 28, 1857. 1 herenv certiry tniit in l4y had a necro woman afflicted with.
and had been for several years cauea ur. jno. w. iiitneia to ner, anu iaa not felt any symptoms of it since. I can, there fore, cheerfully recommend Dr.
to those that are afflicted with Rheumatic oains. JXO. B. RICE. JnniV j.
Tnis is to certify that my wife had a violent attack of Rheumatism in the year 1839; all medical aid had faie(L fo Whitfieid, and by the aid 0f ljis medicine she was restored to health aain and now is well and hearty. JAS. W. WIXSTEAD. arnnrim Cn Opt 7tVi 15W7 Mr.
John IV. iVkitfield Dear Slit: I take great through, you to the umatism is no elied on with certainty. It i true, various spells I had be- tore you visited had obtained temporary relief from the regular physicians, but in that case all rem edies failed up to the time, you- called 'to see me. I was then as you well know very near death's door, not only with Rheumatism, but a most violent cough caused as 1 was told by the physician m' attendance, by the-Rheumatic affection having seized on 'my lungs. -Your remedy was the first thing that gave me any hope of recovery from being unable to stand alone or walk one step.
In a very short time I was on my teet, and am now enioymgvery hue health without any Rheumatic symptom about me. 11. liUUUOUD. State of North Carolina, Nash Count v. To all whom it may concern I suffered great pain and was afflicted with that dieatfnl.disease, Rheuma tism.
ItDnured more than tongue can express, for two years and for six months I lay helpless and de pendent on the charity of friends. In this condition- some one Tequfstea me to try the medical aid oi J. W. Whitfield, I did so, ana I now take pride in saying to" the public that for two years I ha ve been able to do any work that should be required ot te- males. 1 recommend all who are afflicted with Rheumatism to use Mr.
Whitfield's" Remedy, because oeiive is certain 10 cure tnaiaisease. Sept. 25, 1857. DILLY PLOVVERS. State of North Carolina, Nash County.
To all whom these presents may come: I have been badly afflicted-with Rheumatism, but by the blessing of Providence, upon the medical aid of J. W. Whitfield, I have this morning helped to hunt and butcher one of the finest deers I have seen in Nash in fifteen years And if any man don't believe this, let' him come to my house and I will give him a hunt that will convince him. Sept. 25, '57.
M. Mc WILLIAMS. Raleiffh, N. C. Sept.
3, '58. I haveBeen a number of persons who have been cured of Rheumatism by Mr. J. W.Whitfield: and feel it a duty to-add that his Remedy has cured a member of my own family, by removing the symp toms usuany lnaicaung me last stages ot consump tion. T.
HEFLIN. State of North Carolina, I Nash County. This is to certify that Mr. J. Wesley Whitfield at tended my negro woman who was severely afflicted with Rheumatism, as hopeless a case as I ever saw.
one lay tor severul months perfectly helpless, unable to turn herself on her bed. I. bad given her up. for I had no hopes of her recovery. He undertook her case, and in a very short time she commenced mending, and in about two months she waa perfectly well.
on4 koa l.r.,1 nr. il. uhu una ncin uw pyiiijiiuus ui i lie fY sfu nc sjrii r. iu was in the year 148. HENDERSON RICE.
Franklinion. Nov. 7, '57. My wife was attacked with rheumatism last sum mer, when just recovering from a long illness: she suffered intense pain for six weeks, with very little relief, when your medicine was recommended to me. When slid began to take the remedy, she was almost helpless, and was little more than a living skeleton.
She has taken it some five or six times, and she is now able to walk about the yard and garden, and I tiling will soon be restored to health. Her weakness is, of course, in great part the result of the severe illness wlueli immediately preceded her attack of rheumatism. I feel that it is a duty I owe to you and to the afflicted to send you this certificate, and to recommend your Remedy as the best I ever saw for that dreadful disease, rheumatism. J. S.
BODDIE. Franklin County, N.C August 4, 1858. This is to certify that a young man living with me was stricken down last winter with the rheumatism in the limbs shoulders and lungs, which was fast ap proaching tire region of the heart. His physician, who was a skilful one, made known to him that when the disease did striko the heart, the thing would be over with him. In this state of things, having heard of the wonderful cures made by medicine prepared by John W.
Whitfield, of Granville, I called to see him last spring for his' medicine, and after the use of some eight or ten pint bottles of it, according to directions the young man is, now entirely free from pain and the said disease, and is recovering his flesh and All of which seems to have been brought about by the medicine prepared by the said Whitfieldi JESSE PERSON. To meet the wants of the afflicted, I shall, as soon as practicable, plaee the Remedy for sale in various parts of the country. But for the present All orders must be directed to R. C. MAYNARD, Franklintok, N.
who is my General Agent. WAU orders must -be accompanied by the cashr2 per bottle. The REMEDY will be sent to anvoart of the coun try by railroad, by Adams or by ucu oiqer metuoas oi conveyance as tne purchaser may direct. I will pay the cosl of transportation when four or moie bottles are prdereii; but the risk of losi on the WHV. must Munmnl nni-vkur J' vv-.
uu oirecnons xor use accompany each JUottle pt the GREAT REMEDY forrheumatisrrf: 4-Trf u. i luiiiutu. r.u. AiiuALaJoi Newbern ts agent for the above 11, JOB WORK, OF. EVERY DESCRIPTION; Neatly, Aecoi Expelti and Che ply exe mfoA sika 1.
-til 'V il (J. 4 Senate vr.Tho House oL rnmnj members Trom th se Veral elected by tU people, for two The Representative! imre tte portioned 'among 4li differ eot -Statf to new apportionment, is tmejniember for every 70 ran? until tn tAri Slnt.mKk-iTifr 1a noma, eacn tare maKing xne -whole nimL. members 233. lib? compensation of each m.rv-'ii 3 the Senate and House of Representatives -'wH" session, or for each Congresn nd tU tor every twenty miles of travel in the 'natal road going to and, returning from Uie eat of Gerernl uicnt. number President and ViAl.
n-esiuem, umieniKs new Jpuoruonmenrwiil of whom 149 is neceasarv tVr a fchoice is niucn conuected by commercial intr The pa of Ministers PleDiooN ii mm per anuumas a salary; besides for nnt fit, The'ipay of Charges d'Affaires is $1,500 annum of Secretaries Legation, $2,000 of iLn isters ResMent, HARPER'S rriAOAZIXE. SEVENTEENTH VOLUIE. The Publishers of Harper's Niw Mouthlv Mse. line refer to the Sixteen Volumes already issued the best assurance that no lalnr or expense will he A spared to render it worthy of the liberal, support which it has received. They believe that, the Mae.
agine now embraces in its geueral plan eVery iking essential to an attractive literary miscellany, adapted to the wants of the American Public. Its rvgulnr'T 'circulation has not been diminished even during the unexampled rinancial revulsion, which has proved disastrous to AV) many hterary and commercial enter; prises and they are assured from every quarter that i the Magnziue is recognized as a necessity rather than a luxury. They therefore announce New -Fcatuies for the future. Thevwill continue to fill the agazine with articles' inculcating sound vicw in Life and Morals leaving, as heretofore, the di. cussion of sectarian opinions in Religion, and section.
si questions in Politics to their oAvn nppnipriate organs. ise men uhu iruo painois agree upon l4'tnts far niore numennw than those upon whu-h they differ. Tne object of the Magaxine will be to unite rather than to separate the views and feeling of tU PlPle Ponuiipiv country The Pubhshers do not find it necessary or expedj- ent to appeal to puiilic attention by issuing 4 Specj. men containing an unusual amount, of matter or illustrations. They intend that every Number shall'prove'the Magazine to be the het and i cheapest periodical pnblisheU It will contain larger amount of matter, more numerous and better iihis.trations, printed in a better manner, than any other Monthly Magazine and the Publishersr confident that it.
will deserve and receive the same cordis I appreciation and liberal patronage have been forded to it during the Eight yearn of" its publication. Sept l'-dvf Franklin Square, New York. August 3, 18frV i i 1roicclus of 4'TIe Stated." Which has now been published near seven months, has met with such success as to justify the Proprietor in eularginf the daily edition to the eie of the Washington Union Tlie States will continue to represent the ponnd constitutional principles of State rights, which hare ever been upheld bf the National Democracy, but it will not be so entirely political that its columns wjU interest the politician exclusively, not so subservient to party as to bet my principle at the cominandwf power, or disguise its convictions at the suggestion: of expediency. In addition to the discussion of important political questions, its columns will be devoted to the proceedings of Congress, to current transactions of the Gov-r eminent, to general news, ami niatters of interest ap- pertaining to Literature, Agriculture, and Commerce. TERMS: Tie subscription price of the enlarged Daily will bei.
One copy for one year 6 00 Two copies for one year ..10 00 Tri Weekly, one copy for one year. ....3 00 THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE SOUTH. The Weeklv is published in large double sheet form, and is printed on superior -paper, with hand-i some, bold type, at tne toilOMnng eeiiption Single copies reasonable Per 2 00 3 00 iwo copies Five Ten copies, to one address, and any larger number at the rate of $1 per year ..7 00 eo Ten copies, to the address of each subscriber, and any larger number, at $1, 20 each 12 00 Any Postmaster, cl iik, or other person, who iny send "five subscribers, with $7 enclosed, will receiv one extra Puymen't in all cases is required invariably in aa-i vunce and no papers will be forwaided until the re ceipt of the uiotiev. Extra notice. As Cqngress will soon assemble, and it is pectcd that it will be one of the most important nd i interest iu eve.r convened in the Metropolis it must 'bo' u'li object with persons at a distance secure the and most reliable intelligent tr'om the Capitol.
-In order, therefore, to oblige. those who demre to subscribe for a paper published in Washington City, during the session of Congress, we propose to furnish the Weekly States on the lbllowing terms 4 FOR THREK MONTHS. Two copies. Five copies. Ten 09 ..2 00 .1.3 00 FOR SIX MONTHS One copy Five copies Ten T.
I 0 ....300 ..5 00 'VU, rki intor if tin Sfiiti Wflrf. one of the orip- ual founders of the Waslunstou Union, and iJ. newspaper' experience, before and since ertb-; lishineutof that, paper, justifies hiiu in promising paper well worthy of their patrouire. JOHN P. IIEISS, Sept 1 proprietor or THE SCIENTIFIC AM ERIC A XIV.
Bzoiss Septembbr 11,18. Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers and Farmer I The Scientific American has now readied its teenlh Year, and will enter upon a Xew olume the 11th of September. It is the" only weekly pJ lication of the kind now issued in this it has a very extensive circulation in all the of the Union. It is not, as some might suppoejT) its title, a dry, abstruse work on teclmical i xvUU tlo prent evew iroinz on in the scientific, mechanical an' If tbel worlds, as to please aud instruct every one a hi know the maciiine in use, or now io niase uuj taM ployed in hi business, if the Housewife 'V; a recip for making a good ivj ventor wishes to know what is going on in tne ofimprovemeTdsiftheManufarturerwisheMO postcnl with the timen, and to employ the bet tie. in his buines if the Man of Leinr aiwl wishesr to keep himself familiar with the Pr0J' made in the chemical laboratory, or in the mowers, and a thousand other machines ances.
botli of peace and war all these can be found in the Scientific American, where. They are here presented ere. 'l ney are here presented a eresting form, adapted to the corr.prehewio-nd unlearned in the branches ot intere mil ana an. i ALnt. -Term Copy, One Year, i.
fcg SixMonntn.fl, Fve tWes, Six Month-, f. Cornea, Six Months, Ten Copies.TwelTe JWJ 15; Fifteen Copies, Twelve Months, i Copies. Twelve Months, $28, in ad vance. SpecWn'copWsent grataitously Southern and Western money, taken for subscriptions. or i i Letters should be directed to I be directed to CO lFultoStreet procuring inventors, withouUharge, b' resafd tc ALESfliS.
HXjf St Co. are of their improvements. The Government of the United States renresMif by Ministers Plenipotentiary nt the Courtjfof fjJreit liritarn, FrancetRussia, Austriayr Brazil and Mexico and by Charges d'Affaires at the Courts ot most oi me otner ioreign counmes with wh country course. C. tS Mi 1st Ward James W.
CarmerJ iia John JL. Planner, ttAUexander Miller, 4th' Frederick Lam, I- rjohnM.OUver. ii 'i xois officers Vll; John t. Flanner, Intendent of Police. Alexander Miller, Treasurer.
Dr. R. S. and Port Physician. Stephen B.
Forbes, Clerk. 7 Jolm W. Hanco*ck, Town Sergeant. 1 -VVillianCTisdale. Keeper of the Town Clock.
Henry M. Allen, Keeper of the Town Scales. John C. Court; Allen G. Eubank, Auctioneers.
i UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE. William G. Singleton, Collector. Edward K. Bryan, Deputy Collector.
POST OFFICE. Jamen G. Stevenson, Post M. L. Stevenson, Deputy Post Master.
CRAVENICOCNTY OFFICERS. Cbairaian County Court, F. P. Latham. Sheriff, A.
Latham. County Court Clerk, William G. Bryan. Superior Court Clerk, Daniel 0Leary, County Solicitor, George S. Attmore.
Treasurer Pub. Buildings, Joseph R. Robertson NEWBERN MUTUALFIRE INSURANCE CO Aionzo T. Jerkins, President. Emmet Cuthbert, Vice Prebident.
Moses W. Jarvis, Secretary. Charles C. Clark, Attorney. Alexander Mitchell, William II OUiver, Lxecutlve Committee.
ATLANTIC NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD John D. Whitford, President. D. S. Willis, Secretary and Treasurer.
James Miller, Chief Eng nneer. PIRECTORS." George Greene, Wm. PT C. Desmond, E. A.
Thompson, Isaac Ramsay, L. T. Oglesby, J. D. Whitford, C.
N. Best, Geo. S. Stevenson Council Wooten, F. P.
Latham, AGENTS. William Metts. 1 John G. Parker. Joseph R.
Franklin George W. Aug. C. E. A.
Best -Carolina City. City. coxbicroiis. Denard Hanco*ck Passenger Train. C.
T. Jones- Passenirer Train. William li. Lane Train. Distance from Goldsboro" to Moreheud City U5 miles.
STATE GOVERNMENT, OFFICERS. John W. Ellis, of Rowau, Governor, salary, per annum, $3,000, and the use of a furnished house. erm expires January 1, it" Secretary to the Governor, exclusive of fees $300. R.
II. Page, of Wake County, Secretary of State, exclusive ot tees, 5j-UU. Daniel W. Courts, of Rockingham, Treasurer, $2000. C.
H. Brogden, of Wavne, Comptroller, $1000. W. R. Richardson, of Wake, Chief Clerk to Treasurer, $750.
Oliver H. Perry, of Raleigh, State Librarian. CoCNCIL OF STATE. J. T.
Granberrv of Perquimans, J. A. Averitt, of Onslow, J. D. Bridgers of Edgecombe, J.
A. Waugh of Forsythe, P. M. Powell of Win. J.
Yates of Mecklenburg, Dr. Columbus Mills of Polk. GOVERNOR'S AIDS, WITH THE RANK OF COLONEL. W. L.
Kennedy of Beaufort, John W. Cunningham, of Person, M. J. McDuffie, of Cumberland, John G. Yancy, of.
Madison, John A. Aventt, of Duplin. lhe (ieneral AssemDly commences its session on the 3rd Monday of November, every alternate year The next election for members of the Senate and House of Commons, and for Governor, will be held on the 1st lhursday in August, lbbU, REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS 1858. SENATE. David S.
Reid and Thomas L. Clingman. TfOTTSE" Of represenati ves. First District. Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimons, Gates, Chowan, Hertford, Northampton, Halifax, Martin, Bertie, Washington, and Ty-rell Hen ry M.
Sit a te. Second District. Hyde, Beaufort, Pitt, Craven, Jones, Lenoir, Wayne, Greene, Edgecombe, Onslow, mill Carteret Thinnrn It tiffin. Third District. New.
llanover, Brunswick, Co nmhii Bind en Cumbftiland. Robeson. Richmond, and Duplin Warren Winslow. Fourth District. Wake, Orange, Granville, Nash, Warren, and Johnston Ia 03.
Branch. Fifth District Person, Caswell, Alamance, Chatham, Randolph, Guilford, Moore, and Montgomery John A. Gilmer. Sixth District. Forsyth Rockingh am Davidson, Davie, Yadkin, Surry Iredell, Alexander, and Ashe -4.
M. Scales. Seventh District. Catawba, Gaston, Lincoln," Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, Anson, Stanly, and Cleveland Burton Craige. Eighth WilkcsV Watauga, Caldwell, Burke, Rutherford, McDowell, Henderson, Buncombe, Yancey, Havwood, Macon, Cherokee, Jackson, and Madison Z.
W. Clark, Cashier. Joseph Fulford, Teller. John Hutchinson, Clerk. Discount Day; Friday of each week.
BAKK OF THE STATE OF.NORTH CAROLINA. Principal Sank at Raleigh. Geo: W. Mordecai, President; Chas. Dewey, Cashier; John II.
Bryan, Teller Wm. E. Auderson, Book-keeper Jordan Worn ble, Clerk. Fayetteville Branch. A.
W. Steel, President; II. C. Lucas, Cashier; William Huske, Teller; W. S.
Rose, Clerk: Wilmington Branch. P. Hall, President Wm. Reston, Casluer W. J.
SmithTeller J. H. Wright, Book-keeper. Newbern Branch. George S.
Attmore, President J. M. Roberts, Cashier F. J. Jones, Assistant Cashier; Dr.
John A. Guion, Teller. Tarborough Branch. R. President; R.
Chapman, Cashier E. D. McNair, Tellers Elizabeth City F. Martin, President; J. C.
Ehringhans, Cashier W. C. Butler, Teller. Branch at Charlotte. Jolin Irwin, President; T.
AV Dewev, Cashier: S. Belk, Teller. Morga nton Branch. Thomas Walton, President E. J.
Erwin, Cashier. Milton, Branch. George A. Smith, President W. R.
HiU, Cashier. Branch at Windsor. -I. S. Webb, Cashier.
Discount Day, Wednesday cf each tceek. i Ot'cAtK. FEAR. Princirxil Bank at Wilmington. -Thos.
H. Wright, President Henry R. Savage. Caahier D. Gard ner, Teller; Joseph McLaurin, Assistant J.
A. Bradley, Hook-keeper; James G. Burr, Clerk. Branch Myers, President W. R.
S. Burbank Cashier r-r- Teller. Branch at Salisbury. T. A.
Davis, Cashier, It ranch al Gl Lash. Cashier, Branch at FdveUevUle.Charlts Haigb, Presi dent MeLeBv Cashier W. J. Anderson, TeUer Joshua Carman, Clerk-, Wright Huske. Book-keeper.
Branch xt Raleigh. W. A. Jones Cashier R. P.
frincbi i Branch JE. liaray uasuier, at Gnemtborwf-Zcswo. II. Lindsay, Casli'r. JJUcouxLDay, Tuesday cf tack Keek.
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--Sept I 1 dtf The North Corel iun Htafint, ,4, AND' JIagaziHC of Vseful Information. uuuiuer oi mis jiagazme win oe issued, sumcient subscnotious afe obtained, bv the meetinr leetmtr of the General Assembly. 'other things r. the General Assembly. It will contain, amons will contain, amonc -n-A Short Description of 'the Physical 'Geography of wKnHt iyc.t wuu notices oi nose Countries, ancient and modern, in the same latitude.
Area of the Stale and of the different Counties and Senatorial PomdatUm at different periods, by Counties, Sena- wiini aim VUUgressitmni UlSUlClS, AsrricvltHre Productions th jOIistory of the Agncultural Fund and of our present ibtate Agricultural Snciety. of paid by County with.a Digest of thelaat ComntrollerK iiwcer-llistory of theDebt of the State for what purpose contracted its amount at different 'pe-jiods when due, and the Sale of State Bonds mo nw xors. DinrKei, aunng loot a. .7 Charter Statement of their Con Gition at various time r- tcauroadt, 4c An, Enumeration of the Publio improvements of the State wiien.Uhartered their ua tbeir Iresent Condition. Commerce of the differeht'Sea-poHTownsthei I to the conteft(storoirSfhVn'nW4 JQer.
wilt belQLdded 4. Full ami Or. rJr- r. iv, trnxx2 busbe'e .1.